20 March 2015

Being Innovators not Inventors ... Nothing wrong with that!

I got the idea to talk about innovations in the business when I went to one of my classes last Tuesday. But I still didn't get that much about what I wanna say. But then today, after I saw one of my subscribed YouTube channel which is Alexa ak Miss Trenchcoat ... I'm ready to make one post about this.

An ’invention’ is an idea, a sketch or model for a new or improved device product process or system new or improved device, product, process or system. It has not yet entered to economic system, and most inventions never do so inventions never do so.

An ’innovation’ is accomplished only with the first commercial transaction involving the new product, process, system or device. It is part of the economic system.

To make it simple... Inventor is someone like Albert Einstein who invent new theories. But those theories not yet entered a business. Those theories entered a business when someone called The Innovator take those theories and make the first commercial of it, for example a spacecraft.

But, there are some people think that some innovators are copycat. Because maybe they become successful to put some value in other's idea or product and sell it. But in my opinion, copycat is someone who copy All of the inventor's had and sell it without permission. 

Innovator is someone who can add "value" that no other person can do. So that value can increase the benefit of the product/service itself or the revenue of company.

Innovations are needed in this days. For example in the mobile area like Apple and Google. Apple is the inventor of smart phone, right? But then Google came up with innovation that Apple didn't do such as open source and cheaper than Apple.

For people like us, who want to make a business but don't know what can be sold, learn from innovator is a must. Learn how to make a new innovation that can add value in the product or service.

As an example, just like Alexa said in her channel... she had question like this....

"Do I have to make a video in YouTube that other people already done?"

The answer is "Absolutely Yes!!"

But why? Why I have to do something that other people already done?

Let just think about this for a moment as an example...

You know a Lipstick. There are sooo many brands that sell the same red color lipstick. But people still buy it, right? It's because the customers are attached with a specific lipstick brand. It's all about branding and what can you do as the owner of the brand to make customers attached to you. That's what value is all about.

Maybe one brand put the value of "sexiness" and maybe other brand put the value of "eco-make up" . All of those brands have their own customers. It's all about personality of the customers that attached with the personality of brand itself.

It's the same with someone who want to make a blog post about planner ideas. There are a loott of people maybe thousands who wrote about planner ideas. But every blog post have differentiation of course, based on the person who write that post. Even it has the same idea, but if the person who write that post is different, then the results might be different. Every blog also have its own readers, right? So, why worry so much about being an "innovator" ? Just be one!

And if you are the one who want to make a business.. learn from other success people who start from being an innovator. Nothing wrong with innovator. Because if you are the inventor but can't keep innovate, you'll be out of business. And if you just keep saying "product like this already exist", stop that thought! You can add value to your product/service so that your market can see you and be your loyal customers. 

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.


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