30 December 2014

Belajar Mengalah Tapi Tidak Kalah

Dalam dua hari ini aku mengalami pasang surut hati dan otak. Rasa kurang ikhlas dalam menerima sebuah kondisi membuat hati ku luar biasa sakit dan bingung harus melakukan apa.

Hingga aku berada di satu titik dimana aku harus menelepon orang tua ku. Bukan untuk berkeluh kesah namun meminta nasihat atas apa yang terjadi.

Aku menceritakan segalanya, mulai dari awal muasal cerita hingga akhir cerita dimana aku merasa lelah fisik dan mental. Perasaan 'betrayal' menjadi poin utama.

Ibuku seperti biasa... memberikan nasihat yang membuatku lega dan hidupku serasa ringan... Inti dari apa yang dikatakan Beliau kutuliskan disini semoga bisa menjadi inspirasi bagi siapapun yang sedang mengalami masalah.

Hidup itu ya begini. Banyak orang yang mengakuisisi pekerjaan orang lain tanpa adanya bantuan yang diberikan. Nanti ketika masuk ke dunia kerja, kamu akan merasakan bagaimana adanya orang yang bahkan lebih jelek daripada apa yang kamu alami saat ini.

Tapi.. harus diingat bahwa Allah memberikan ujian bukan tanpa maksud. Allah memberikan ujian awalnya memang sakit tapi indah di belakang.

Ada cerita tentang Kangkung. Kamu kalu mau masak kangkung, harus dipotong, dibersihkan, dicuci, dicampur bawang, dimasak, dsb supaya enak kan?

Sama halnya dengan apa yang Allah lakukan saat ini kepada hamba Nya. Saat ini kamu sedang dikuliti seperti kangkung kan? Sakit tho rasanya? Tapi, dengan mengalami sakit hati yang luar biasa, Allah melatih hati kita supaya enak seperti kangkung. Supaya lebih baik dan lembut.

Ada pepatah mengatakan "Berterima kasihlah kepada orang yang menyakitimu karena dia sebenarnya telah membantumu menjadi orang yang lebih baik"

Maka, yang harus dilakukan adalah berterima kasih kepada Allah dan juga orang itu.

Terima kasih Allah terlah memberikan orang seperti dia sehingga membuat hati kita kuat dan lebih berserah diri kepada Allah.
Terima kasih kepada nya karena telah memberikan rasa sakit hati sehingga nantinya kita bisa belajar dari apa yang terjadi dan tidak akan goyah di kemudian hari.

Apa yang selama ini terjadi memang menyakitkan, tapi coba lihat hikmah di balik ini semua.
Mungkin dengan ada nya cobaan ini banyak hikmah yang bisa didapat.

Ingat... Allah memberikan cobaan bukan tanpa sebab dan akan ada sesuatu yang indah di akhir...

Belajarlah untuk Mengalah... Tapi Tidak Kalah....

Buktikan bahwa kamu adalah seorang yang tangguh dan tidak akan jatuh ketika diterjang badai kehidupan.

Kalau masih terasa sakit...maka pikirkan kebaikan orang yang telah menyakiti...maka secara berangsur rasa sakit itu akan berganti dengan senyuman...

Thank you Mom for being such a great Mother...you are The Best Mother Ever!!!
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

29 December 2014


Kayaknya kecewa itu biasa... Tapi enath kenapa kecewa yang kali ini luar biasa. Bukan karena hal yang biasa, tapi cukup luar biasa sehingga menimbulkan pertanyaan "kapan lulus?"

Yah... namanya mahasiswa PhD atau biasa disebut S3... advisor atau pembimbing itu seperti Raja. Apapun yang diinginkan dipenuhi karena kita ini seperti karyawan kantoran. Apa kata atasan ya dipenuhi. Ga dipenuhi ya siap-siap aja terima akibatnya.

Tau kan Raja itu seperti apa? Nyuruh tapi ga kerja.

Begitulah... mungkin cobaan dimulai dari sekarang. haha

Sudah sering sebenarnya ada teman yang bercerita tentang segala keluh kesah PhD di Taiwan, mulai dari prof nya yang seenak udel nya nyuruh2...revisi tiada henti...dsb. Tapi sebenernya aku tidak akan merasa seperti ini kalau si bapak perhatian dengan nyuruh2 aku...

Aku lebih senang disuruh dan direvisi daripada email tidak dibalas, tidak dibantu mengerjakan, tidak ada komentar apapun tentang apa yang aku kerjakan, eh tiba-tiba paper selesai dan siap submit minta jadi penulis pertama... rasanya agak kurang adil.

Aku tau dia sudah bersedia menerima ku di lab paling okeh. Aku juga senang punya pembimbing seperti dia yang sudah jadi Professor dan terkenal seantero Taiwan. Aku senang ide nya selalu fresh dan tidak dimakan usia. Bapaknya juga baik sama anak-anak lab.

Hanya saja... kadang... kesibukan nya luar biasa sehingga membuatku dan teman-teman lab kecewa.

Astaghfirullah... saatnya mungkin ini waktu dimana aku harus introspeksi. Mungkin ada sesuatu yang pernah aku lakukan salah tapi aku tidak sadar.

Semoga hal ini bisa jadi pembelajaran dimana jikalau nanti aku jadi dosen, jangan sampai melakukan hal yang sama. Jangan sampai mengakuisisi apa yang telah dilakukan capek-capek oleh seorang mahasiswa demi mengejar prestige di mata ilmuwan lainnya. Kalau memang ingin jadi penulis pertama di paper, ya silahkan asal bantulah mahasiswa hingga mencapai titik keberhasilan penulisan.
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

26 December 2014

2014 in a Glance : Year of Dreams Come True

Recently, a lot of "Year in a Glance" of several people I know are in my Facebook Timeline. I tried it of course and make me realize how amazing this year for me. So, I decided to make a blog post about it and maybe it'll be turn out cool enough for me.

January 2014

I remember how frustrated I was at this month of January when I realized it was already near the end of semester and my research still not went well. At the same time, I had to prepare my international conference paper that need to be submitted. I had a lot of fear about "can I graduate from my master degree on time?" I think this is the month when I almost every day called my mom and cry. haha But then I remember my mom said to me

"Don't worry. I believe you can do it. You're a smart girl like you used to be. Do the best, nak. You can do the best. If you already do the best and the result is not going well, Allah has better plan for you. Remember that. Mom and Dad will always pray for you and love you, no matter what."

February 2014

The winter vacation was coming. But, my research still on progress. I believe what my Mom said and it turns out well actually. Thanks to Allah who gave me Mom like her.
This month, it's a beautiful month. I went home to Indonesia to have engagement party. ^__^
But, I forgot the date. hahaha
Actually we already engaged since November 2013 with funny story. Let me tell you the story. Quite funny to tell.

It was in August 2013 when I came home for summer vacation. Mas Putu also came and asked me to come to Bali, to her mom's house. My father told me okay I can go there if I have a girl friend to come along also. Of course I agree. I don't want to be with him alone in car from Gresik to Bali. to dangerous. xixixi So, I asked my friend, mbak Sryang, who is just like big sister to me and mas putu. In Bali, her mom said to me that maybe in September or November she will go to my house to Silaturahim or introduce herself and family to my family. Then I told my parents about that. Because it was just a Silaturahim, means nothing will happen even my parents already know that mas putu wants to marry me, nothing prepared in my home. At that time, I already back to Taiwan again with mas putu. I remember waiting in school to call my mom to ask what happen that day. haha Then, when I call her from Taiwan, she laughed so hard till make me confused.

Me : "Mom, what happen?"
Mom : "Hahahahaha you know... you already engaged."
Me : "what??? how come???"
Mom : "Let me tell you. Putu's mom said 'so, putu and intan will married right?' and i said 'they said so' and we're silent...then laughed. hahaha"
Me : "so...?"
Mom : "So.. you're engaged. As simple as that."

Okay that's the weirdest conversation I've ever heard in my life. hahaha It was so weird till my mom thought that maybe we can reply the engagement party when I came home in February. But then my Mom said that no need to have engagement party in our house, maybe we can go to Putu's house in Surabaya and give the answer about the reply because both of families are simple family. No need to reply it again. In Indonesian tradition, especially Javanese, if someone is asked by man's family to be bride, the bride-to-be's family has to come to groom-to-be's house and give the answer.

So, when me and mas putu came home in February, the 'official' engagement happened. That's one of the best thing in my life!!

March 2014

I was a tutor in Open University in Hong Kong (Universitas Terbuka) which is a university for Indonesian people who work and live in Hong Kong and want to pursue bachelor degree. I was an english tutor and the office told me to go to Hong Kong from Taiwan for free because I had to meet my students in person at least once in a semester. Weird? actually the study process is using internet. So, we used a system that provide the distance learning for students in the open university around the world.

That time, I went to Hong Kong with my friends, Mbak Yeni and Mbak Nadia. They're also tutor from Taiwan. We had so much fun, not only because we can met with our students but also we can travel around for free. haha

Another fun time because that was my first time to go to Hong Kong and especially Disney Land. haha You can read my adventure in My Journey in Hong Kong

April 2014

There was an interesting event in this month. Maybe all indonesian people remember that in this month we have legislative election and I was one of the committee member of the election in Taiwan, specifically in Chiayi City. There were 5 members for Chiayi City TPS. Me, Mbak Konny, Mas Aang, Pak Dwi, and Mas Robert. They are jind , funny, and respectful person. Even the first day we met as a team, we can laugh and have fun together. Meet new friends always a fun things to do in my life.

May 2014

My life almost in the peek of hill in this month. Too much problems regarding my research. Already near oral defense day and too much to prepare. My ppt was not ready yetbut I had to go to international conference in Bali. Why Bali not other country? Because my mom told me to find conference located in Indonesia so that I can came home to prepare my wedding. See? Too many things to do and all of them need my attention.
1. Master degree oral defense in Taiwan
2. International conference in Bali
3. Wedding preparation
I remember at that time I tried to come up with idea that can reach all of schedules and goals. So, I made a work schedule for this month only and everyday I set goals about my todo lists. 

But, even I have a lot of assignments, I was very happy at this month. I can learn how to be organized and learn to not delay my homework even for one day because it will affect everythings ahead. I also can meet new friends from Malaysia and Thailand who attended international conference in Bali. I even can traveled around Bali by myself using rented scooter without even lost. Hahaha And of course the most important thing is that I can choose my own wedding gown.... :p

June 2014

In this month, finally I can say... S.Kom. M.IM
I graduated from Department of Information Management National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and it was AWESOME!!!!
After all of the tears and passions... I finally made it!!!
Another thing is that.. If you read my 101 dreams, maybe you know... I want to have A grade at least one in each semester. But, in the end of my master degree I realized thst I got A for sll of my courses...hwaaaa I'm so happy... **
Also in this month I got announcement from school that I got accepted in PhD program for next semester... What a wonderful life, isn't it?
You can read my story in http://intandzikria.blogspot.tw/2014/06/officially-skom-mim.html

July 2014

Time to go home....prepare everything in dormitory to send back to Indonesia after two years in 411 room. But I will stay for PhD right?but why I delivered my stuff to Indonesia? It's because I will stay with my husband after married... :3 This month was also a Ramadan month and Alhamdulilah I can celebrate it with my family again in indonesia. I can meet whole family members in Malang. I'm very grateful Allah loves our family so that we can meet each month to celebrate and strengthen our relationship.

August 2014

Oh yeah...it is the BEST MONTH OF MY LIFE. Because my wedding was in this month...specifically in 15-16 august 2014. A lot of fun and happy things happened... But I will keep that part my self. Hihihi
Another one of my dream was that I want to marry before 25 years old and want to marry someone who just like my dad (even for this one I can compromise haha) ... But then Allah makes it come true for me. 
Marry before 25 years old, which is 24... And marry someone who the appearance and character... He is also very nice guy... Alhamdulilah... :)

September 2014

Back to Taiwan with a new life... as a wife and as a PhD student. Many things need to be learnt about this new life... about how to accept there is someone beside me not as a boyfriend but as husband, how to respect him and love him no matter the situation is, how to do new research and be more patient with my professor... Sometimes not easy but i did it... :)

October 2014

This is the month when I start my passion in organizing stuff. I don't know whether it's because I already became wife... or it's my nature. hahaha I decided to make a lot of printable a lot of stuff for Muslimah and share it in my dropbox via this link

I made a lot of stuff like monthly planner, weekly, daily, even diet tracking.

Actually at first it's for myself but then I decided to share it for free which might be can help other sisters and brothers.

November 2014

November seems like a busy month for me. Of course because it was midterm month. A looott of things to do in this month. But I'm very grateful that I can pass all of them with a good score!! :D

December 2014

I know that this month is the last month of the year and need a lot of thinking about what i've done and not done yet.  I learn many things in this year.


But despite all of that... I miss one thing in here. I felt like this year I'm not really into relationship with Allah. I hate to say that but it's the prove that I need to consider myself to be better in next year to strengthen the relationship.

Despite that Thanks to Allah... Alhamdulillah...Thank you Allah for giving me such a beautiful year....

Thank you for giving me...
lovely husband and best husband in the world
the best parents in the world
the best family ever
chance to have another education
and ... make my dreams come true...

Thank you...


So that's my year... how about my resolution for next year? later i will make one post about that.

How about yours? :)

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

24 December 2014

Leofoo Village : not like a village

So what do you think when you first heard word "Leofoo Village" ? rice field ? villagers ? hmm... no that's not Leofoo Village looks like. The first time i heard that, i thought it was some kind of nature attraction in Taiwan. haha But actually it's a Theme Park. Yes just like Disney Land but it's in Taiwan and short version of it.

I went there with my friends and husband...in the end of november. But i just had the opportunity to write things up in here just today. Busy weeks to the end of december. I know i know it's not an excuse to not write. But, what can i do? i have a lot of things to do and several weeks ago I was sick and I just want to lazy around in my room. haha
Okay back to topic...

This "village" is in Hsinchu County (near my home, so it's fortunate for me to go there by our old scooter). Form Taipei, you can go there by bus (i forgot the number haha) because if you use bus, you can buy the Leofoo entry ticket almost 60% off. As far as I remember, my friends got only 500 NTD. The original ticket price is around 900 NTD, expensive right? Lucky for me, my friends bought the tickets for me and my husband in the bus so I didn't need to buy with original ticket price.

There are four kinds of areas there, such as Wild West, Arabian Kingdom, South Pacific, and African Safari. A looottt of attraction inside. If you want to go around, start from morning. Because in my experience, we can't try all attractions. We missed the African Safari. -_________-"

These are the photos that you might be interested with. Especially, the "danger" attractions... :p


Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

05 December 2014

Touring in Taiwan : Hsinchu County, Lavender Cottage

Motor adalah transportasi paling nyaman untuk berkeliling dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain, terutama di luar negeri. Sebagus apapun public transportation yang negara itu miliki, motor tetap nomor satu bagiku dan suami. Kami adalah sepasang traveler yang selalu menyempatkan sedikit waktu dari kesibukan kami bekerja dan sekolah, sekadar untuk menikmati kehidupan kami di Taiwan. Sebuah bangsa yang sarat akan kehidupan etnis cina nya namun ingin melepaskan diri dari Republic of China dan memiliki kehidupan liberal dalam masyarakatnya alias berkiblat ke barat terutama Amerika Serikat. Tak heran banyak muda-mudi nya yang rupawan itu menggunakan baju minim dan tak segan untuk mengumbar kemesraan di publik. Namun, walau begitu masyarakat Taiwan luar biasa ramah dan sangat menjunjung tinggi rasa hormat terhadap orang lain serta disiplin. Maka, jangan heran jika ketika tersesat atau butuh bantuan, banyak yang akan membantu sampai benar-benar terselaikan masalah kita, ataupun budaya mengantri dan membuang sampah di tempatnya membuat Taiwan menjadi salah satu destinasi wisata yang patut dipertimbangkan bagi kita orang Indonesia yang masih harus belajar bagaimana cara hidup disiplin dan menghargai orang lain.

Kami tinggal di sebuah kota industri yang jaraknya satu jam dari ibu kota Taipei, yaitu Hsinchu CIty. Suami ku bekerja di kota yang menjadi pusat teknologi di Taiwan ini, namun aku tetap bersekolah di Taipei yang menuntutku untuk melakukan perjalanan lintas kota minimal dua kali seminggu jika ada kelas atau pun harus bertemu dengan advisor tercinta.

Touring pertama kami putuskan untuk mencoba jarak dekat. Kami ingin tau keramahan jalanan di Taiwan terhadap pengendara sepeda motor untuk lintas kota sebelum bersiap ke perjalanan yang lebih jauh, dengan motor bobrok kami tentunya. Motor yang kami gunakan berjenis scooter dan merupakan motor second keluaran 1991. Usianya setahun lebih muda dari umurku tapi kondisinya masih sangat prima karena suamiku yang gemar kendaraan ini sangat perhatian dengan kondisinya.

Kami memutuskan untuk pergi ke kota sebelah yang bernama Hsinchu County, sebuah kabupaten. Berbeda dengan kota tempat tinggal kami yang namanya juga Hsinchu namun City. Jika diumpamakan seperti Malang di Jawa Timur. Memiliki kota dan kabupaten. Hsinchu County sangat luas dan sebagian besar daerahnya diisi oleh gunung, bukit, dan sawah. Kami mencoba untuk pergi ke sebuah lokasi kebun lavender bernama Lavender Cottage.

Sehari sebelumnya kami mencoba mencari lokasinya di Google Maps dan ternyata jarak yang ditempuh lumayan jauh dan menantang adrenalin. 45 menit menggunakan motor dan melewati gunung. Berbekal GPS di handphone suamiku, kami siap menjelajah.

Perjalanan kali ini cukup membuat badan menggigil karena suhu sudah mulai turun walaupun kami berangkat dari rumah menjelang siang, maklum sudah di musim Fall akhir dan mendekati Winter, sehingga memaksa kami untuk menggunakan jaket winter, apalagi nama lain Hsinchu adalah Windy City karena hembusan angin yang cukup kencang. Persawahan kami lewati, indah tentu saja. Cukup mengherankan  ketika kami menemui sejumlah perusahaan teknologi terkenal bermarkas di tengah persawahan dan jauh dari kota. Tapi kami maklum karena Hsinchu memang merupakan pusat teknologi mutakhir Taiwan terutama di bidang semi-conductor.

Lavender Cottage bukanlah sebuah cottage atau motel atau hostel atau hotel, tempat ini sebenarnya adalah kebun lavender yang memiliki restoran di dalamnya. Terletak di salah satu lereng gunung yang ketika memandang ke bawah, pemandangan sungai dan pegunungan sungguh menakjubkan, ditambah dengan aroma lavender yang begitu menenangkan. Kami belum pernah ke lokasi ini sebelumnya, Neiwan district, yang ternyata memang merupakan salah satu lokasi wisata di Hsinchu County.

Sebelum menuju ke lavender cottage, ada banyak lokasi wisata keluarga yang dikunjungi, seperti comic museum, go-cart race, Neiwan night market, dan lain sebagainya. Mungkin lain kali kami akan mencoba bermain go-kart di lokasi ini. Pasti menyenangkan.

Tarif masuk ke Lavender Cottage per orang adalah 100 NTD atau sekitar Rp 40.000. Tiketnya cukup unik karena ternyata terdapat dua voucher masing-masing 50 NTD di tiket itu yang bisa digunakan untuk membeli makanan atau souvenir di dalam. Intinya, jika tidak ingin rugi, gunakan voucher itu maka tiket masuk akan menjadi gratis.

Sebenarnya tempat ini kecil, tidak besar. Namun, dia menawarkan sesuatu yang unik.

Taman Lavender, pertama kali ini aku menemukan sebuah taman yang berisikan banyak lavender yang aroma nya sungguh semerbak dan menenangkan, seperti ketika membeli lilin aromaterapi lavender. Kami datang terlalu awal karena tidak semua tanaman lavender mekar bunga nya. Aku mendapatkan informasi di internet jika waktu yang tepat ketika semua bunga mekar adalah di bulan Desember.

Restoran, tidak seperti kebanyakan restoran fine-dining. Restoran ini menawarkan aneka menu berbahan dasar lavender. Seperti Ice-cream lavender, tilapia lavender, lavender plum tea, lavender milk-tea, dsb. Jangan berpikir makanan atau minuman nya akan aneh, tapi tidak. Rasanya… unik. Enak. Tapi ada aroma lavender yang begitu kental. Sungguh membuat selera makan kami bertambah. Tips dari kami, jika ingin makan di sini, lebih baik membeli porsi couple (jika berdua) karena porsi ini bukan makanan berat tapi ringan dan manis, seperti wafel, eskrim, cupcake, serta 2 jenis minuman yang bisa dipilih sendiri. Harga nya juga relative lebih murah dibandingkan jika membeli menu lainnya. Namun, karena kami tau tentang menu ini terlambat, kami terlanjur memilih menu yang lebih mahal. Baiklah, mungkin lain kali kami bisa mencoba paket couple ini.

Pemandangan, lokasinya yang terletak di lereng gunung dan tepat di antara belahan sungai, membuat kami terkisap. Sangat indah. Mungkin jika ada yang pernah ke Taroko di Taiwan lokasi ini seperti Taroko nya Hsinchu. Banyak kursi yang disediakan di lokasi ini sehingga kami bisa bersantai dimanapun kami mau.

Souvenir, jangan lupa membeli souvenir di sini untuk oleh-oleh. Ada banyak souvenir unik yang bisa ditemukan. Kami memutuskan untuk membeli DIY Soap dan kartu pos. DIY Soap ini memiliki banyak jenis warna dari berbagai jenis bunga yang ada di Levender Cottage. Dengan berbekal 180 NTD, kami bisa mendesign sendiri sabun kami yang dimasukkan ke dalam tabung kaca, nantinya sabun ini tidak kami gunakan untuk mandi namun sebagai pengharum ruangan dan hiasan karena warna nya yang cantik. Mereka juga menyediakan berbagai jenis kartu pos. Jika mau, mereka juga bisa mengirimkan kartu pos yang dibeli ke alamat yang diinginkan. Tinggal masukkan saja kartu pos nya ke dalam kotak-kotak yang disediakan sepenjuru lokasi. Jangan lupa juga untuk membawa notebook atau scrapbook karena di sini banyak sekali stempel lucu yang bisa dijadikan kenang-kenangan.

Memory, uniknya mereka juga menyediakan dedaunan kertas yang bisa digantung di pohon atau di pagar lokasi. Di kertas itu kami menuliskan semoga kami bisa ke lokasi ini lagi suatu saat nanti.

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

13 November 2014

Track your Exercise or Work Out Routine? Why not?

When you read exercise or work out... I believe most of people don't like exercise. I know because I also don't like to do it. haha But, it changes recently when my lab mates (Taiwanese) make an unusual game. All of lab members have to challenge themselves to decrease the body weight or abdominal circumference (lingkar perut). Not an easy challenge because we have to decrease in certain amount of body weight in 2 months which determined by our Prof's assistant. -____-"

Source : google

For myself, I have to decrease 4kg in 2 months!!!! if I can't accomplished it in the end of december, I have to pay 10,000 NT$!!!
It's huge for me because last time my body weight in that amount is when I was in high school. -___-" and 10,000 NT$ are incredibly huge amount of money... it's around 4 million rupiah...crazy right? they are absolutely crazy!! and so do i.... why i agree with this???

So, I have to do something about this right? I have to exercise. But how?
I rarely work out because I already tired due to my school time and household tasks. 

Then, I decided to make my own work-out tracking system in my planner. Therefore, I will notice what did I do in my exercise and what should I do in the next day. Also I can track my own body weight every week.
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

29 October 2014

Public Enemy?

Aku akan bercerita sedikit tentang pengalaman beberapa minggu yang lalu yang cukup menguras energi dan pikiranku...

Ups... jangan pikir aku ini public enemy...haha nope. absolutely not. but it is about someone... aku tidak akan ghibah disini...tapi aku hanya akan bercerita sedikit tentang apa itu public enemy dan bagaimana seseorang bisa menjadi public enemy..

Public itu artinya publik (of course haha)... dalam konteks public enemy, public disini berarti masyarakat umum. Sedangkan enemy jelas artinya adalah musuh. Kalau digabung...jelas berarti musuh masyarakat.

Okay i will give an example, how a person can be a public enemy...

Ada seorang kawan (entah bisa dibilang kawan atau tidak karena tidak pernah ngobrol secara langsung) yang ketika bertindak tidak memperhatikan orang lain. Istilahnya tabayun atau bertanya tentang kebenaran suatu hal ke orang lain sehingga membuat orang lain merasa... well... unappreciated.

Walaupun sebenernya sang kawan bermaksud baik.

So, eventually... banyak orang beranggapan bahwa apa yang dia lakukan cukup keterlaluan karena bertemu saja tidak mau dan tidak bisa dilakukan klarifikasi ke pihak yang bersangkutan...

Then, bomb comes up... dia menjadi public enemy... --"

Aku kasihan sebenernya... tapi aku tidak bisa apa-apa karena perasaan seseorang tidak bisa diatur bukan...

The main point in here is that... bukan untuk menjudge siapa yang lebih baik dan tidak.. tapi belajar dari apa yang terjadi.

Rasulullah selalu mengungkapkan dalam banyak hadist bahwa seorang muslim tidak baik jika bertengkar satu sama lain dan tidak baik jika menyimpan amarah hingga lebih dari 3 hari.

Dan juga... ketika kita akan melakukan sesuatu yang berpengaruh terhadap hidup orang banyak...alangkah lebih baik nya jika bertanya dulu sebelum melakukan...walaupun niatnya baik.

Dengan begitu... tidak akan terjadi yang namanya persengketaan akan sesuatu ataupun pertengkaran yang tidak perlu bukan? Lingkungan jadi indah dan damai... :)

May Allah forgive all of our mistakes..
Wallahualam bishawab

Jazakallahu Khairan Katsiran.

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

Primadita Rahma Ekida : The Finalist of World Muslimah Awards 2014

Bukan karena mbak canteekk ini adalah sodara sepupu ku tersayang tapi she's a great woman!! Pertama kali dia bilang sama aku, adeknya yang nakal ini, kalau dia mau ikut World Muslimah Awards 2014, I just like... "What??? Seriously???" and she's like "Yes, I'm serious..."

Okay then... speechless. Itu yang aku rasakan saat pertama kali dia mengutarakan itu lewat chat FB (i'm in taiwan she's in indonesia)

Sejak kami masih kecil, aku tau banget dia orangnya seperti apa, secara kami tumbuh bersama (not in the same house) but kami sering bermain bersama dan bahkan punya baju yang sama, bukan lungsuran, tapi identically the same. Sengaja dijahitin supaya kembar karena waktu itu emang kami dua cucu terbesar nenek ku. hahaha

Just like other kids, kami kadang bertengkar memperebutkan sesuatu, bukan kadang tapi sering. Bahkan rebutan jepitan jemuran... ohh meennn kalo inget berasa pengen ngakak. Please..jepitan jemuran... -___-"

Semakin kami tumbuh besar, semakin aku sadar bahwa dia seseorang yang bertalenta, bermimpi besar, pintar, dan bersahabat.

Terbukti dengan bagaimana nenek ku selalu membanggakan seorang Dita (panggilannya di rumah) atau Rahma (panggilannya dari teman2nya), di depanku. Pernah bahkan aku merasa "kenapa selalu dibandingin sih???" dan itu yang membuatku terpacu untuk menjadi lebih baik. hahaha Tujuan intinya biar ga dibandingin sama mbak satu ini. :p

Sejak masih di bangku SD, dia selalu menunjukkan kemampuannya dalam segala bidang...dan tidak hanya kemampuan...tapi benar-benar kemampuan. Menang di berbagai kejuaraan...itu jelas. Pramuka, Debat, dsb. Tapi bukan sekadar debat...english debate...waow untuk seumuran dia di tahun itu karena tidak banyak anak SMP/SMA yang bisa debat pake bahasa inggris.

Bahkan saat itu bahasa inggris aja aku ga bisa... menang juara ga pernah... no single winning cup is in my parents' house. hahaha

Mimpi-mimpinya mulai terlihat ketika dia menginjak bangku kuliah. Waktu itu aku masih SMA. Aku sadar betul apa yang dia inginkan dan dia lakukan dari waktu ke waktu didasari oleh mimpi. Dia selalu ingin suatu hal yang baru dan tidak ingin sama dengan orang lain. Oh yeah she always talk to me all the time, walaupun kadang ada cekcok nya juga sih (sorry for this, sist) haha

And now... I really can't believe she is elected as one of the finalists in World Muslimah Awards 2014. O.o

Saat dia bilang sama aku...cuma gini "dek... i'm in..."

Really...unbelievable... even our family didn't believe it...until they actually started to believe it. hahaha

Aku percaya dia pantas jadi salah satunya. Bagaimana tidak? Aku tau bagaimana dia sejak kecil dan aku tau dia pantas mendapatkannya. :)

Smart girl... all of woman in our family are smart. Aku percaya ini gen...#pengenDibilangPinterJuga #tabokPakeBantal hahaha

Living in her dream... punya banyak mimpi dan dia konsisten untuk melakukannya... dan dalam waktu yang cukup singkat. ga kayak aku yang masih berleha-leha santai. haha Contohnya adalah ketika dia bilang pengen jadi blogger... wuih yang namanya ngerecokin (dikit) aku buat design n buatin blog buat dia itu luar biasa. hahaha sampe akhirnya dia bisa nulis blog sendiri dan lebih konsisten nulis daripada aku yang lebih lama punya blog..haha

Muslimah beneran... bukan bohongan... sekarang kan banyak nih ngakunya muslimah tapi ga pake jilbab, atau pake jilbab tapi jadinya jilboobs. Mbak Dita mah ga kayak gitu. Real act like a muslimah.

Social activities... oh yes it is... look at her bio and you know why.

And of course... apa yang sudah dia lakukan sebagai muslimah?
Aku bangga padanya karena dia berhasil melakukan berbagai hal via blog nya. Inspire orang lain untuk menjadi lebih baik dengan media blog. Misal dengan adanya event #MenulisMuharram, #1Hari1Ayat atau #1Hari1Masjid yang pernah dia lakukan untuk para follower blog nya.
So, apa yang sudah aku lakukan? hmmm organizing life planner maybe? haha
I will try to make a similar event next time... if I have holiday in school maybe.. (see... si penunda pekerjaan is me) haha

So, please please please... VOTE her untuk jadi pemenang di World Muslimah Awards 2014 yang insyaAllah akan ada finalnya di Yogyakarta, 22 November 2014

VOTE bisa ke link ini http://www.worldmuslimah.org/award2014/primadita-rahma-ekida-indonesia/

Atau mau tau lebih banyak ? Bisa cek ke blog mbak Dita / Rahma tersayang di http://theprimadita.blogspot.tw/ and you will find a lot of interesting things she wrote about being Muslim or Muslimah...

Thank you for your help for my beautiful smart sister.

Jazakallahu Khairan Katsiran. :)

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

Organizing your Place : DIY Desk Dividers

These past few weeks, I was overwhelmed with my desk. We have a loootttt of stuff in our room, especially in desk. Because we rent a room, we can't have many spaces. However, we have things to put in somewhere reachable because we like to use them often. Cosmetics, papers, pens, clips, hair band, pins, electricity equipment, gadgets, etc. Just think about those things in one desk make me overwhelmed and stressed by myself.

So, I decided to look for ideas in YouTube about how to organize desk. Most of the videos suggest to make the desk look nice, yes of course because they are still teenager. haha But what I wanna look for is something that not only look nice, but also neat and organized. 

Then, I came up with this idea. My husband just laugh when I first start to do this, but then he realized that this is helpful for us. :)

I decided to make dividers for my desk drawer for my stuffs. We are lucky to have two big desk drawers so we can put many stuff there. But, if we didn't put them nicely and organize, it will be a big mess and hard to look for something. The desk drawer itself, made by cardboard. 

Why cardboard? Because I'm trying to find something cheap (or free) and just a little bit effort to make it because it is easy to cut. 

Okay let me show you how I made it.

First, Find cardboard that not used in your home.

You can use any kind of cardboard. I used a cardboard that I recently used for moving from school dorm to my husband's house after I married. So, it's kinda thick and perfect for dividers. Because it will not going to bent if some stuffs push the dividers.

Second, Design your own dividers.

Design doesn't mean hard to do. Just make a scratch drawing on a piece of paper. Don't forget to measure your drawer and the size of your design. :)

Three, Cut the cardboard in the specific size you have. 

Yes it needs a little bit of effort to cut a thick cardboard. However, you can use paper razor blade to cut. I used it and it's sharp enough to cut. 

Four, Place the cutted board into your drawers.

It's not only placing but also gluing your cardboard. Because if you have a design that perpendicular, you have to glue each side of the cutted cardboard. If you want,you can decorate it as well. Like maybe put some stickers or decorated tapes. You also can paint the cardboard before put them in your drawers if you like.

Five, Place your stuff inside

You have your own stuffs and put them in designated areas of your dividers. Let me show you mine.

In here you can see that I put a lot of stuffs in our desk drawers and make different design of each drawer. The first desk drawer have bigger divider and the other is smaller. It's because I want to put a bigger stuffs inside the first desk drawer.

I have small pouches, gadgets, keys, watches, name cards, and also a container that I found in Daiso for small little piece of things. The container I used for my rings, coins, pins, brooch, paper clips, and hair band. 

Sometimes, we put everything in the desk and make the desk a mess with all of our gadgets. That's why I also have space for our gadgets like phone charger, external drive, disk, USB flash drive, etc.

So you see, it's very useful for us when prepare in the morning. Just open this desk drawer and know all of the stuff in place.

Another desk, I put all of my school and decorating supplies. I found it easier to put all of my pens, markers, and pencils inside the drawers rather than in the desk using pencil case. Because I wanna put my desk neat. If I wanna do something, just take them out and put them inside again after finish.

I also have my glue, tapes, decorated tapes, ruler, etc.

Maybe some of you read my previous post about behind my organizing planner which I explain about a container that I use for keeping my decorating stuffs. I'm still using it but I move my decorated tapes to this drawers. Because it's too thick and i have a lot of stickers inside. So, i just put them into this drawers and just take out some if I want to bring them to school.

Okay that's all.
Thank's for reading all of my talks today. haha
Hope it's helpful for you.

Jazakallahu Khairan Katsiran.

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

26 October 2014

Organizing Household : All about Money

One of the most important lesson after I married is how to manage household money. Maybe all newlyweds will think the same with me. Once you married, your life is not only about you but also about your wife/husband.

In the case of money, Husband will give some money to Wife for household, like for groceries, eating out, beverages, etc. The challenge is for wife to manage the money until the specified date or usually in the end of the month.

I'm still learning this kind of thing. Managing not only household money but also another kind of money. But, now I found something interesting that I can share with you guys. Single also can use this as reference, even students. :)

Bills to Pay

There are many kind of bills. Mortgage, rent, electricity, water, phone, internet, school, etc. Many people sometimes forgot to pay in the specified date or if they pay they forgot how much money they spent and lost the receipt. Saving the receipt is important. Why? Because if there's something happened, maybe the company said you didn't pay yet but actually you are, you can show the receipt to them. Don't throw away all of your receipt bill!

So, I came up with this idea. Write down all of bills payment in a year, in a piece of paper.

Even for the transportation cost, you can write in down each month. Therefore, you will understand how much money you already spent for it and you can manage to think about how much budget you want for next month.

School also important because if you are still in school, therefore you have to pay school fees like registration, books, uniforms, etc. 

I'm giving you the raw file of this Bills to Pay because every person have different needs about their bills. The raw file is in doc file, not like previous posts' files that I made using Photoshop. 

You can download the Bills to Pay in this link.

Monthly Budget

In the first day of each month, me and my husband will spend some time to write all of the expenditure in the previous month to make decision for that month's budget. Maybe some people may think that this is very detailed and not really like the detailed things. Don't worry, it's normal. My husband also thought the same, until I explain why he should do this with me.

Household is not about wife, but also husband. He gave the money and She will manage it. But, not always like that. They have to work together because they have the same goal and need some money to achieve that goal.

For example, we want to travel around South East Asia in the beginning of next year. Therefore, we have to save some money. If we want to save more, means we have to spend less, right? To achieve that, we have to carefully calculate our expenditure and stay on budget. That's why the monthly budget is important. We will notice how much money we spent in each month and will not going to spend more than budget. :)

So, the idea is write all of the budget in the beginning of each month. And in the end of each month or in the specific date, write the expenditures or incomes. :)

Between the monthly and yearly bills, it must be consistent. So, if you write "bus" in the transportation cost in Bills to Pay, in the monthly budget should have "bus" also. It will help you when you summarize in the end of the month.

I also will give you the raw file and you can manage it by yourself. You can download in think link.

Weekly Outcomes

Actually the Weekly Outcomes can help to be bridge between day and month. The expenditure budgeted items are same with Monthly Budget. The difference is that you only have to fill it in the end of each week. Therefore, in the end of each month, you can calculate it in the Total column and move the value to the Monthly Budget's Actual column. Easy right? ^^

Again...I remind you to be consistent with the budgeted items. They are should be the same within weekly, monthly, and Bills to Pay yearly.

Hard work to do it each week? it is. But, you will feel it hard only in the first several weeks, after that you will do it every week without realize you already do it. 

The first step always difficult, but without the first step, you will never achieve your goal.

You can find the raw file in this link.

Daily Outcomes

The most important one is daily outcomes. The challenge is how you manage yourself to write down all of your expenditure without forgetting how much money you spend at that time. hahaha

Until now...I'm still trying to manage myself to always write it down in my journal every time I buy something and whenever I'm home, I will move that to this Daily Outcomes.

You can write down your expenditure with the source (place you buy it), with the amount in the outcomes column. Don't forget to write the balance after you spend the money.

So, you will notice how much money left on your pocket.

You can download the raw file of the Daily Outcomes in this link

The next question is... why I make this in A4 size paper? Not A5?

Because... I decided to make different journal for household things. I will all of the papers in to one folder that I keep at home. So, my husband can see it every time he wants. And I don't have to bring these papers with me where ever I go. :)

Also... if I have bills or receipts I can manage to keep them in that paper folders also. All in one place. Keep simple and organized, of course. ^^

Other question... why this files are sooo not colorful? i mean not many decorations there...

It is because I like to print them in designed paper. You can find many designed ready paper in school supply store and they have many different kinds of paper. When you print them in those paer, it will look nicer and you can have your own ideas of decorating your organizer.

Hope this post helpful for you.
If you have any questions, please write down on the comment below and InsyaAllah I will reply yours.

If you want another downloadable planner for Muslim, you can download them from this link.

Jazakallahu Khairan Katsiran. ^__^
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

24 October 2014

Sometimes, Being Organized is Not Enough

These days I'm very busy with everything... Households, Classes, Research, Blog, Sickness, etc. Some days I always thought that 24 hours is not enough for me to do everything, even I already organized what I supposed to do on that day.

For example in one day I have to do :
- Prepare everything before go to Taipei from Hsinchu in the morning... means that I have to wake up at 5 / 6 a.m. (can't sleep after pray shubuh)
- Go to Taipei needs 2 hours.
- Class needs 3 hours
- Do research
- Prepare dinner (sometimes I will buy something if I go to Taipei that day)
- Contact several people (continues)
- Blog one / two topic
- Design the planner
- Do the organization's task (many things, not only one)
- Meet with professor
- Appointments with some people
- Back to Hsinchu needs 2 hours
- Do household things (need 1-2 hours)
- If I'm sick, then my day will be harder
- Sleep

Okay... from the start I'm awake until sleep again... some of those task will not accomplished. Really it needs a lot of effort to do many things in one day.

I felt messed up and need more time to finish my to do lists in one day.

Then...today I just realized that it's not only being organized and doing many task in the continuous time....but also how to manage your time.

yeah... Time Management... that's the answer.

I have to make sure that all of my to do lists are in the right time and continuous.

For the example,
If I want to meet several people, I will adjust the meeting in one time if possible. Except, with my prof of course. hahaha
When I'm waiting for the bus to go to Taipei or back to Hsinchu, I will read my research paper or do several other things to accomplished like contact people, read and reply emails, or something like that.
Therefore, in the class... I can focus on the course and will not going to feel overwhelmed in one day.

I know maybe I will feel terrible and confuse in some time, but if I felt it I will stop doing everything and pray... Basmalah and Istighfar are the most effective way to feel at ease.

My mom always said to me...
"If you feel overwhelmed, stop everything, then say Basmalah and Istighfar. If you still feel it, recite Al-Ikhlas and Al-Fatihah. Then you will feel at ease again and can do everything smoothly..."

Always remember Allah in every situations can make us feel at ease. :)

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

03 October 2014

Organizing Life Planner for Weekly

I'm back with the organizing life planner for Muslim that I designed. But, this time is quite different than the daily planner. Before, I used color in the daily planner. Now, i'm using only black in the weekly planner.

I did some research about how people use their planner., and i found out that most of the people (i won't use percentage here) are color coded their planner. That's why I make my design all black from now on. I wanna try to encourage all of you to color coded your planner by yourself. Not only it's fun, but also it can stimulate your creativity and your discipline to do your work. :)

So, this is the weekly planner.

Well... weekly is all about week. So, what you put in the weekly planner are your weekly schedule. Not detailed one because for detailed one you can put them in the daily planner. And of course, better you do the color coded system in your planner, it will make you easier to spot on something.

I put the date in here...quite different with the daily. Because in here, the purpose is for weekly. That's why I put "week" there. So, you will know what week is that and what month including the Masehi and Hijriyah calendar.

Also in the box for days, I make columns for day's number, not only for Masehi but also Hijriyah. Why?

Because maybe you have plan to do in Hijriyah calendar. for example, in 10 Dzulhidjah there will be Eid Adha or before that we have sunnah fasting for Arafah Fasting in 9 Dzulhidjah.

I want to encourage you to make not only daily goals, but also weekly goals. Therefore, you will do your schedule more on-time and discipline.

Maybe you will not going to get the result directly but you will notice it in the end of the month about what did you do on that month. I believe, it will make you happy. :)

Hope this weekly planner helpful for you.
If you want to know about the color coding, I will make another post about color coded. :)

You can download this Muslim Weekly Planner through think link.

If you want to download another planner, check out this link or
--- Daily ToDos
--- Daily ToDos 2
--- Daily ToDos 2 Color
--- Daily Budget
--- Daily Budget 2
--- Daily Budget 2 Color
--- Weekly Planner
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

02 October 2014

Rasanya Menjadi Istri Plus Mahasiswa

Sebelumnya aku bercerita tentang bagaimana rasanya menjadi ratu sehari alias pengantin. Sekarang aku akan bercerita bagaimana rasanya menjadi seorang istri merangkap mahasiswa. :)

Sudah banyak mungkin yang bercerita bagaimana rasanya menjadi seorang istri. Tapi tidak banyak istri yang merangkap mahasiswa, sepertiku. Apalagi tinggal di luar negeri. Mungkin sedikit dari sedemikian banyak istri yang ikut suami tinggal di luar negeri.

Aku tinggal di sebuah kota yang disebut Silicon Valley nya Taiwan, alias di Hsinchu City. Di dalamnya ada sebuah komplek perkantoran (ada pabrik juga) yang dinamakan Hsinchu Science Park. Suami ku bekerja di salah satu perusahaan yang bermarkas di sana. Lokasi tempat tinggal pun tidak begitu jauh dari kantor. Mungkin hanya 15 menit naik motor.

Tetapi uniknya, aku  seorang mahasiswa S3 yang kuliah di kota lain, yaitu Taipei. Kampus yang sama seperti ketika aku masih kuliah S2 di Taiwan, yaitu National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, di lab yang sama dan advisorku sama juga. Seorang professor terkenal di Taiwan, yang saking terkenalnya sampai sibuk minta ampun dan susah untuk ditemui.hahaa *curcol

The problem is... Taipei dan Hsinchu itu jaraknya 1 jam perjalanan naik bus itupun kalau tidak macet di jalan. Kalau naik HSR (High Speed Rail) atau di Jepang namanya kereta Shinkansen, ditempuh dalam 30 menit. Belum termasuk jalan kali dari terminal / stasiun ke kampus. At least aku butuh maksimal 2 jam perjalan. Bolak balik 4 jam lahh...

Tidak hanya itu...jika aku harus bernangkat pagi, aku harus naik bus pagi yang memakan waktu minimal 1,5 jam perjalanan dan bus yang luar biasa tidak enak baunya karena banyak orang sarapan di dalam bus. Maklum, aku tipe pemabuk darat. hahaha

Perjalanan yang cukup melelahkan. Bukan hanya karena 2 jam perjalanan yang cukup menguras energi tapi juga aku harus melakukan berbagai hal di kampus, mulai dari kelas, lab, riset, dan organisasi. Atau mungkin bahkan bertemu teman atau professor di kampus.

Pada akhirnya kami mengambil keputusan untukku bahwa aku hanya mengambil dua mata kuliah per semester nya. Sehingga praktis aku hanya ke kampus dua kali seminggu. Sisanya aku akan berada di Hsinchu dan mengerjakan semua tugasku disana. 

Alhamdulillah...professor sangat mendukung dengan tidak mewajibkan aku untuk datang ke lab setiap hari dan jga lab meeting berubah dari seminggu sekali menjadi sebulan sekali. hahaha

Oke...mungkin bagi kebanyakan orang beranggapan bahwa enak aku di rumah saja dan tidak harus ke kampus. tapi nyatanya, yang seharusnya aku bisa mengerjakan tugas kuliah secara maksimal, aku terdistraksi dengan berbagai macam pekerjaan rumah.

Yah...namanya juga seorang istri. Tugas utamaku adalah suami dan rumah. Jadi, rumah bersih adalah tanggung jawabku. Household tidak ada habisnya. Mulai dari cucian numpuk, dishes, masak, beres-beres rumah, dsb. hahaha

Mungkin bisa dibilang aku produktif mengerjakan segala tugas kuliah ku hanya 4-5 jam sehari. Berkurang dari kebiasaanku sebelumnya yang bisa bertahan hingga 9 jam mengerjakan tugas kuliah, duduk di depan komputer. Tapi, tidak terus sih... bisa berhenti sebentar untuk shalat. Makan saja di depan layar komputer. Kebiasaan yang kurang sehat. Jangan ditiru. hehe

Produktifitas itu kulakukan mulai ba'da dhuhur karena setiap istirahat siang suamiku akan pulang dan makan di rumah. Sampai sore menjelang maghrib di saat aku akan menyiapkan makan malam.

Tugas tiada habis nya. Berat memang. 

Tetapi...aku sadar bahwa inilah yang justru membuatku bahagia. Aku diijinkan untuk sekolah oleh suamiku saja aku sangat bahagia. Karena tidak semua pria mengijinkan istrinya untuk sekolah lagi bahkan sampai S3.hehe lalu aku juga bisa melayani suamiku dengan maksimal, sesuai dengan amanah dari orang tuaku.

Sebelum aku menikah, orang tua ku pernah berkata "Nduk, jangan sampai kamu beda kota atau negara sama suamimu. Harus selalu bersama. Trus, kalau sudah sekolah lebih tinggi dari suamimu, jangan sekalipun menganggap rendah suamimu. Karena dia adalah kepala rumah tangga dan dia harus dihargai dan dicintai."

Kalimat itu selalu terngiang di otak dan hatiku.

Jadi... walaupun susah menjadi istri plus mahasiswa, bukan menjadi alasan utuk tidak bahagia. ^^

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

18 September 2014

Organizing Life Planner for Daily

As I mentioned in several posts ago, I promise to give my blog reader to give my own design of organizing life planner. Actually I have plan to give it all together in one blog post. But, unfortunately because I'm too busy with my wedding preparation, the day, the moving time to Taipei, and also new registration for new students in campus, I can't do that.

But, I will give one thing in here... the Daily Life Planner and Daily Budget.

And of course..in PDF format so all of you can download it for free through dropbox... ^^

Those two planner, I made them first. why?

Because... if you want to learn to be organized, learn the most simple thing first,.. Daily Life.

This Daily Life Planner is designed for Muslim. Because it has the Hijriyah date place. So, Muslim will know what day in Hijriyah calendar is that day. Therefore, they can find out what deeds like fasting or other things that they can do on that day.

Also it has Prayer checklist. Not only 5 times a day, but 8 times. In here I try to encourage Muslims to also pray Sunnah everyday.:)

Mmm and don't forget to have Qur'an supplementary and book (any kind of books). You can put the first and last page of the book. So, you won't lost the next time you want to read your book.

It also have the morning and before bed task. With this, you will try to do it everyday and will not forget for example like put out the trash, serve breakfast, put it the newspaper, etc. I always forget to put out the trash before I go to bed, that'swhy I put the before bed task in here. haha

I also put the daily budget box in this daily planner. Why? Because sometimes...I can handle my ahnd to m pocket. I always try to buy something unnecessary. hahaha So, I have to try to be disciplined.I believe some of you also do the same. haha

Nah... exercise and drink a lot of water are needed for every human every day in life. Because it is healthy. My husband always did that and he is very healthy. But, i need to try harder for this.

Of course... the reminder to do fasting for Muslim. Maybe like Monday-Thursday fasting or another fasting day. :)

Don't forget to put the Goals and Quotes of the day. They are important for reminder what you have to finish each day.

The most important thing is the To Do List. This to do list, yo have to try every morning after Morning Prayer to sit down and write what you have to do in that day. Detailed is needed. You will be happy, trust me, in the end of the day, if you can check list all of your written to do list. ^^

Another thing is the Daily Budget. As my experience, as a student or maybe a housewife, we have a strict budget because we con't have a lot of money to spend with.

We have to spend for school fee and eat. Or maybe books or any other necessary things. But, if we still keep buy and buy unnecessary things, you will lost! remember that! haha

So, my solution is to make a daily budget for every day and write down whatever I spend on that day in this paper. Therefore, in each week I can count on how much I spent every week. Then, every month.

In that case, for the next week or month I will know how I spend my money so I'm not gonna lost with myself. haha

Also, in here I put a grocery shopping list. Why? Because
sometimes when I go to market to buy groceries without write it down, I'd like to buy a lot of things that not in the list. And after I buy them, I will regret it. -_______-"

Okay, so that's it for this post. I will continue the organizing life planner for weekly in the couple days later.

Hope it can help you... ^^

You can download those through this link...
--- Daily ToDos
--- Daily ToDos 2
--- Daily ToDos 2 Color
--- Daily Budget
--- Daily Budget 2
--- Daily Budget 2 Color

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

Be a Bride : What is it look like?

That question... is hard to answer. But, a lot of my friends ask me about that...right after my marriage day. haha

Okay i will explain a little bit in here. Only a little bit... haha

Karena pernikahanku dilaksanakan dengan cara tradisional, jelas berbeda dengan apa yang biasanya dilakukan orang-orang pada umumnya. Bapakku ingin pernikahan yang serba jawa...di resepsi. Tapi untuk akadnya, bolehlah agak modern dikit. xixi

Jadi.. sehari sebelum resepsi, malamnya kami mengadakan Akad Nikah dengan baju serba putih dan dengan suasana yang sangat khidmat. Aku tidak boleh ada di ruangan. Aku berada di luar. Ceritanya sih, aku bingung di luar ngapain. Secara ya semua orang di dalam ruangan. Sedangkan aku, ibu, dan adik-adikku yang perempuan berada di luar. Dekat pintu masuk. Mmm alhasil kami ketawa ketiwi ga jelas. Sampai ibuku mengingatkan kalau kami harus serius. ~(^.^)~

Setelah suamiku (ceileeehh) , saat itu masih calon suami, mengucapkan ijab qabul, kami dipersilahkan masuk. Aku duduk di sebelahnya dan diminta untuk menandatangani buku nikah and of course...pasang cincin. hehe

Lalu, mejanya dipindah, dan semua undangan bersalam-salaman, lalu foto-foto.

And...done. hahaha

Aku ngerasa kejadiannya sangat cepat. Seperti mimpi.

Bahkan mungkin sampai sekarang aku masih merasa.. "oh iya aku sudah jadi istri orang"

Karena bisa dibilang aku juga tidak tahu  rasanya bingung persiapan pernikahan. Ibuku yang menyiapkan segala sesuatunya. Secara aku di Taiwan dan baru pulang sebulan sebelum menikah karena harus sidang dan lain sebagainya..

Besoknya kami baru mengadakan resepsi. Pagi harinya. Capek sih...namanya juga pernikahan. Mengundang keluarga dan teman dekat... itu luar biasa.

But, I'm happy!!!!
The best day of my life!!!

Bisa bertemu teman-teman dan keluarga besar itu luar biasa... tidak hanya di lebaran saja tapi kami juga bisa bertemu di acara pernikahanku.

In the end...i can see... the feeling is incredibly awesome!!
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

15 August 2014

Seconds to Life Changing Moment

Masih ingat di dalam emori otak ku...masa-masa ketika aku masih kecil hingga beranjak dewasa.
Semuanya...semuanya... berhubungan dengan orang tua ku. Ibu dan Bapak.

Diajarkan tentang segala sesuatunya tentang hidup...survive.

Belajar berjalan...membaca...menulis...menghadapi situasi...agama...segalanya...

Aku lebih sering membuat mereka sedih mungkin daripada bahagia. Kenakalan yang aku buat selama ini.
Ketika aku kecil, aku bahkan pernah masuk ke dalam sumur karena aku nakal.
Aku pernah jatuh dari sepeda motor akibat sudah dilarang orang tua tapi masih saja kulakukan...
Aku pernah tenggelam karena tidak menurut saat disuruh menggunakan pelampung.

Bahkan masih saja...kemarin ibuku menyuruhku untuk makan... "nak, makan dulu..." atau "nak, ayo shalat..." dan juga "nak, kamarnya ayo diberesin...

Tidak bisa terbayang bagaimana jika aku hidup sendiri tanpa mereka.

Tapi, saat-saat itu telah tiba.

Hari ini... mereka harus melepaskanku...kepada seorang lelaki yang menjadi pilihanku.
Hari ini... aku harus rela berpisah dengan orang tua ku dan hidup bersama suamiku...
Hari ini... aku harus belajar untuk hidup sendiri dan mandiri bersama suamiku...
Hari ini... aku harus belajar menduakan mereka setelah suamiku...
Hari ini... aku harus belajar berbicara dengan suamiku terlebih dahulu sebelum ke orang tuaku...


untuk selamanya...mereka tetap orang tua ku...

Orang tua yang membesarkanku...
Orang tua yang menyayangiku...
Orang tua yang mencintaku...
Orang tua yang mengajariku tentang agama...
Orang tua yang mengajarkanku berbagai hal tentang hidup...
Orang tua yang tidak pernah bosan memarahiku karena aku nakal...
Orang tua yang tetap memberiku semangat...
Orang tua yang tetap memberiku sandaran akan hidup yang indah ini...
Orang tua yang selalu memberiku dukungan akan semua yang akan aku lakukan...
Orang tua yang telah mendoakanku...
Orang tua yang selalu dan setiap saat membantuku...
Orang tua yang membuatku menjadi seperti sekarang...

dan untuk selamanya...
aku akan tetap menyayangi mereka...
Mencintai mereka tanpa syarat...
Mendukung mereka...
Memberikan apapun yang mereka butuhkan dan inginkan.

Hari ini...
Segalanya akan berubah. 
Aku akan mulai hidup dengan suamiku.
Tetapi tidak akan berubah hubungan ku dengan orang tuaku.

Hari ini...
Hidup ku akan berubah. 
Bukan akhir.
Tapi, awal dari segalanya.

 بَارَكَ اللَّهُ لَكَ وَبَارَكَ عَلَيْكَ وَجَمَعَ بَيْنَكُمَا فِي الْخَيْرِ
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.