03 October 2014

Organizing Life Planner for Weekly

I'm back with the organizing life planner for Muslim that I designed. But, this time is quite different than the daily planner. Before, I used color in the daily planner. Now, i'm using only black in the weekly planner.

I did some research about how people use their planner., and i found out that most of the people (i won't use percentage here) are color coded their planner. That's why I make my design all black from now on. I wanna try to encourage all of you to color coded your planner by yourself. Not only it's fun, but also it can stimulate your creativity and your discipline to do your work. :)

So, this is the weekly planner.

Well... weekly is all about week. So, what you put in the weekly planner are your weekly schedule. Not detailed one because for detailed one you can put them in the daily planner. And of course, better you do the color coded system in your planner, it will make you easier to spot on something.

I put the date in here...quite different with the daily. Because in here, the purpose is for weekly. That's why I put "week" there. So, you will know what week is that and what month including the Masehi and Hijriyah calendar.

Also in the box for days, I make columns for day's number, not only for Masehi but also Hijriyah. Why?

Because maybe you have plan to do in Hijriyah calendar. for example, in 10 Dzulhidjah there will be Eid Adha or before that we have sunnah fasting for Arafah Fasting in 9 Dzulhidjah.

I want to encourage you to make not only daily goals, but also weekly goals. Therefore, you will do your schedule more on-time and discipline.

Maybe you will not going to get the result directly but you will notice it in the end of the month about what did you do on that month. I believe, it will make you happy. :)

Hope this weekly planner helpful for you.
If you want to know about the color coding, I will make another post about color coded. :)

You can download this Muslim Weekly Planner through think link.

If you want to download another planner, check out this link or
--- Daily ToDos
--- Daily ToDos 2
--- Daily ToDos 2 Color
--- Daily Budget
--- Daily Budget 2
--- Daily Budget 2 Color
--- Weekly Planner
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.


  1. Siang kak.. aku mau tanya untuk printnya pakai kertas apa ya? kertas print biasa atau perlu kertas khusus

    1. Siang Fani,
      Bisa di print pakai kertas biasa saja. Kertas isi ulang binder yang ukuran A5 itu juga bisa. :)


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