24 October 2014

Sometimes, Being Organized is Not Enough

These days I'm very busy with everything... Households, Classes, Research, Blog, Sickness, etc. Some days I always thought that 24 hours is not enough for me to do everything, even I already organized what I supposed to do on that day.

For example in one day I have to do :
- Prepare everything before go to Taipei from Hsinchu in the morning... means that I have to wake up at 5 / 6 a.m. (can't sleep after pray shubuh)
- Go to Taipei needs 2 hours.
- Class needs 3 hours
- Do research
- Prepare dinner (sometimes I will buy something if I go to Taipei that day)
- Contact several people (continues)
- Blog one / two topic
- Design the planner
- Do the organization's task (many things, not only one)
- Meet with professor
- Appointments with some people
- Back to Hsinchu needs 2 hours
- Do household things (need 1-2 hours)
- If I'm sick, then my day will be harder
- Sleep

Okay... from the start I'm awake until sleep again... some of those task will not accomplished. Really it needs a lot of effort to do many things in one day.

I felt messed up and need more time to finish my to do lists in one day.

Then...today I just realized that it's not only being organized and doing many task in the continuous time....but also how to manage your time.

yeah... Time Management... that's the answer.

I have to make sure that all of my to do lists are in the right time and continuous.

For the example,
If I want to meet several people, I will adjust the meeting in one time if possible. Except, with my prof of course. hahaha
When I'm waiting for the bus to go to Taipei or back to Hsinchu, I will read my research paper or do several other things to accomplished like contact people, read and reply emails, or something like that.
Therefore, in the class... I can focus on the course and will not going to feel overwhelmed in one day.

I know maybe I will feel terrible and confuse in some time, but if I felt it I will stop doing everything and pray... Basmalah and Istighfar are the most effective way to feel at ease.

My mom always said to me...
"If you feel overwhelmed, stop everything, then say Basmalah and Istighfar. If you still feel it, recite Al-Ikhlas and Al-Fatihah. Then you will feel at ease again and can do everything smoothly..."

Always remember Allah in every situations can make us feel at ease. :)

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

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