19 January 2015

How to be Still Productive when there's Too Much Distraction

Productive means discipline to do everything needs to do in everyday life. But, sometimes distractions can make people "lazy" to do the "list". That's what happened with me these days.

I got too many things to do, and I aware of that. Research paper, final paper for classes, presentation, organizations things (I have two now), household, my start-up business with my friends, travel planning, blogs, reading challenge with my best friend, etc.

But then I have one single thing that become Major Distraction.

My Gadget.

It's one single thing that cause many little things.

Social medias, emails, games, etc.

When I start to touch my gadget which is tablet (more powerful than my phone and it's like my laptop.. I can even do my works on this thing), I can't stop.

Even when I was going to check my email, I will open my facebook, instagram, line, or anykind of it and spend many more times there. Suddenly, my works not done. =.="

My reading challenge... the thing that I love, reading, sometimes get distracted too...

So, in here I wanna give a tips on how to make distraction (especially gadgets) cannot distract you to o your todo list.

1. Say Ta'awudz and Basmalah
As a Muslim, it's better for us to pray first before to do many things, including works. When we say ta'awudz, it means that we seek help from Allah to prevent any wrong distractions from shaitan. And when we say basmalah, it can help us to stay focus on what we did. Maybe in some case, we can be distracted in the middle of our works, but then say ta'awudz and basmalah again. InsyaAllah we can focus again on our works till done for that day.

2. Silent your gadget
In my experience, when my gadget or phone start to make a sound, I will directly put my hands on it. The next time I knew, I will open my facebook again. -__-" So, I decided to do my husband's advice, to  change the sound in my gadget to silent, or if you want to make your phone still ring, you can make your gadgets idle when the screen is lock. It's very useful and sometimes I forgot where my gadget is. hahaha

3. Install your chat apps in PC
I know that most people need to be in front of their laptop to do their works. So, if you don't want any distraction in your gadget, just install your chat apps in your PC or laptop, like Line or Google Talk or maybe Facebook Messenger.

4. Put your gadgets away from you
Maybe you can ask your family member to bring your gadget somewhere you can't find if needed. It works for me when I need to really really focus on my works.

5. Stay focus
It's kinda classic but you need focus. Focus on what're you goals for today. Tried to make your brain always say "I have works to do and do it now!!"

6. Write your to do lists
It can help you focus. If you are a "not-writing" type person, you can use many apps that you can find for PC. I use Todoist by the way. It is a website app that can sync with your gadget. You can make list of your todos or projects that need to be done everyday. I also use my planner because if I goes offline I still can notice what I'm suppose to do for today.

Okay that's my tips and suggestions for you.
Hope these can help us to stay focus and can't be distracted from any internet things.
If you have any suggestions, don't forget to comment.

Jazakallahu Khairan Katsiran.
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.


  1. Assalamu`alaykum. Aku seneng banget baca blog kakak. I see, all is organized well. :)

    1. Waalaikumsalam,
      Terima kasih, Farah :)
      Semoga tips nya membantu untuk semakin ter"organized"

    2. Terima kasih juga kak buat "Free Printable Planner Ideas"-nya. Ini yang lagi aku butuhin banget. Makasih kaaaak ^^

    3. Sama-sama Farah. Senang bisa membantu ^^


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