29 January 2015

Holiday is just..holiday... isn't it?

I've got my winter vacation holiday last week until the end of February. 1 month and 1 week.... long enough for me to do many things, like doing my research, travelling somewhere (alone because my husband is working haha), more blogging, or do anything useful and necessary.

But, it seems like holiday is holiday..isn't it?

It's time to lazy... watch TV all day long, play games in laptop, play social network, and do several unproductive things...

I did that this week.

The results are...

First, I didn't finish my research work which actually I can finish it in this week and ask for progress to my advisor.

Second, I didn't touch my blog for a week means I didn't accomplished my own target to post one blog each day with every different things.

Third, I didn't accomplished my Reading Challenge which is #TwoDays1Book, instead I just play The Sims 3 in my laptop all day long.

Fourth, I forget to make preparation for my travelling to Singapore and go back home to Indonesia 2 weeks later.

Fifth, my ToDoist lists are overdue for 4 days.

Crazy.. yeah it's crazy for me to think all of that again... I just spent my time to lazy around in this holiday. Maybe it's because holiday is coming and the feeling of freedom from school work and exhausted things are sooo big. My husband even said "you're too lazy these days" --"

I realized holiday is not just holiday.

Holiday means I can do anything I want to do without doing lazy things. I can be more productive than ever. I can do a lot of things that suspended during exam week several weeks ago. I can start to finish my projects. I can go travel and leave home for several hour to somewhere I've never been to. I also can be creative.

But, I think this past week, I didn't do that.  

I know maybe it's better for me to be productive again. Because sometimes after I sit down in front of my laptop all day long and play games, my head and eye are hurts. I felt sick immediately. Maybe because I didn't face the sun that I need for my eye health.

Become productive means I'm not only just sit in front of my laptop to do my works but also  go outside home and find different place to work, maybe cafe or park. Travel is also another option. Bring book is a must.

Play game is fine but need to be placed in appropriate time after my works done for that day. 

Social network need to be closed for several time because it can cause the distraction to my work focus.

Holiday is not about doing lazy things...but more than that. Become more Productive than ever.

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

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