05 January 2015

謝謝 (Thank You) in The Morning

Thank You or Terima Kasih or 謝謝

This words rarely I heard when I'm not in Taiwan... I don't know why. Seems strange to me who live in a country which Islam as a majority religion, Indonesia. Because I remember since I was in elementary school, our teacher always teach us to say thank you to another people.

Even when I went to another countries like Singapore and Hong Kong, I also rarely heard this words.

Maybe you can heard those words most all the time are in the supermarket when you pay your groceries. Or to your loved ones.

But in Taiwan, everywhere I go, I always heard 謝謝 mentioned by strange people.

I learn a lot about how to say 謝謝 in Taiwan is not only when you meet your friends or family... but also strangers where ever and when ever and what ever the situation is... Taiwanese said thank you or 謝謝 because they feel grateful about something that other people did to them and they believe saying 謝謝 can make people happy.

The first time I felt it strange when I was in elevator.

In Taiwan, we have to queue before enter and someone who get in first, has to be near the elevator buttons. So that he/she can push the "open" elevator door button until everybody get in and push it again if someone want to get out before him/her in any floors. Very thoughtful right?
Then, because of his/her action who helped other people get in / get out the elevator easily without hesitated to be wedged by elevator's door, everybody will say 謝謝 or Thank You to the person in charge. Sometimes, the person will say You're Welcome or 別客氣

Another time when I was in the bus...

If we want to get to the bus, we have to pay some amount of money using cash or yoyo card. And the place is near the driver. I heard word 謝謝 from almost every people who get out the bus after pay their bill. They say 謝謝 to the bus driver because he helped passenger to go to the destination safely. And the bus driver will say 別客氣

The most extraordinary thing I've ever experienced is today when I just arrived at school...

In Taiwan, people walked in right lane and people who walk have number one priority rather than bike, scooter, car, etc. So, when I just entered the school, I walked in the left lane (my mistake because not really used by that regulation even already in Taiwan for more than 2 years). Then, suddenly I saw behind me there was a girl ride her bike slowly...right behind me. She couldn't be in the right lane because too many people there and no one in the left lane except me. But even she knew I was wrong, She didn't ring her bike's bell. When I moved to the right lane, she could pass me and other people and said slowly just right beside me "謝謝 " and it makes me stunned.... then smile.

It's a simple words to say but many people don't realize how important it is to another people, even you don't know that person.

Say thank you about simple things... for example...

Thank you for giving me place to walk
Thank you for driving the bus safely
Thank you for open the elevator
Thank you for help me process my groceries in supermarket
Thank you for prepare my lunch in cafetaria

Sometime... thank you will make another people's day brighter.
Thank you can make people smile

This words are the representation of grateful about everything we have... grateful to another people's help...

But then... do we realize who gave all those things? Allah.

So... did you already say Thank You to Allah for today ?

Thank you for giving us a chance to live one more day
Thank you for giving us water for take a bath and drink
Thank you for giving us food to eat
Thank you for giving us transportation so we can go to school and work
Thank you for giving us loved ones so we can be loved and love
Thank you for giving us teacher so we can learn many thing
Thank you for giving us sun so every human, animals, and plants can live
Thank you for everything....


Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

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