04 October 2013

I Wanna Go To JAPAN

Sakura country...
Cosplay and Comic and Manga and Anime Country...

Wanna go there... even, I write it down in My 101 Dreams

Fortunately, my professor said that if we want to graduate a.k. oral defense...it means we need to go to conference first!!!

Waow...okay... so... how? how can i ? my research isn't done yet... and how about the fee?

Then, my assistant professor said... "Lab will pay the registration fee only"

Ookkaaayy... Alhamdulillah...

But, how about the accommodation? transportation?
and where??

Suddenly, my lab mates gave me the conference list for several conferences we can attend in 2014. and some of them are in Europe!!! and also in JAPAN!!!

I want both of them. but impossible. I only can go to one of them...>.<
I need to consider about the fee too...

So, I call my mom in Indonesia. Mommmm...help meee... >.<
Still, I need help from my parents. Because my lab doesn't want to pay the accommodation. --"
And my mom said... "Okay. calculate the expenses and I'll talk to your dad. but please, look for Taiwan conference first. If there's no conference in Taiwan, you can go to Japan and I'll pay your expenses if your Dad agree.."

Alhamdulillah.... ^.^

But still, this is the chance. I don't know I can go or not.
I don't want to make my parents suffer because they need to pay my expense to Japan.
I'll try to find any scholarship for conference or maybe I'll talk to my professor.
Wish he wants to support my expenses...


Now is the time to make a paper making become a serious matter...if I wanna go to Japan.

And I WANT!!

Ya Allah...please make this become a reality...pleassseeee..... >.<
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

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