26 November 2013

Sacha Stevenson : I'm Looking for Open Minded Person

Siapa sih yang ga tau cewek bule cantik asal Kanada bernama Sacha yang udah 12 tahun tinggal di Indonesia? aku yang tinggal di luar negeri sampe tau nih orang siapa... bule yang bisa ngomong lancar banget bahasa Indonesia + Sunda (little bit maybe) + bahasa gaul anak jakarte (loe gue)
She's a YouTube-er (how to spell it actually?)

Make some funny videos about "How to act like Indonesian?" and several other things that mentioned about Indonesia in daily life...like corruption, where is my "kembalian", hijab, etc. 
Those videos are very funny to see but at the same time make me realize, yeah...that's true. hahahaha

1. Kemana-mana orang Indonesia tuh naik motor walopun jarak cuma 10 meter...
2. Nyangkruk di warung kopi pake sarung...
3. Kalo ketemu bule, minta foto
4. Buang sampah sembarangan
5. Terlalu banyak hal yang harus diurus, jadi akhirnya pake calo...
6. Kalo beli bensin, sama pegawai pom bensin ga dikasih kembalian receh...
7. etc...
8. etc...
Hahahaha sounds funny, right?? 

But, despite all of that kind of "shit but true" things she said, she loved Indonesia so much. I love Indonesia too, of course... but yeah you know, not all people can accept what she said. I think recently many people judge her as "bule" not as a person who criticize Indonesia because she love this country...
She is a muslim actually... not all people know about this. Because she said something about hijab, many people said she's bad person. hmm... i think they're not open minded one... because everyone can say something right? and i think it's because she said setengah english setengah indonesia. so, many people not know much about the real meaning...haha the video of the start of the intrique is in here...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THDZFIYKTek

So....she made the answer buat semua orang yang salah paham tentang kalimat "babi pakai jilbab" di sini...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2x6JZCqQsCc

Hmmm... when I saw the video, yeah dia salah di satu sisi, tapi di sisi lain dia juga ga salah... hahaha
Keep open minded... :D

Then, I watched another video...from cosmopolitan FM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcSzSHdrOIE
which Sacha was there... ada satu hal yang aku salut sama dia...dia bilang gini...walopun ga persisi kalimatnya sih ya... :p

"Aku harap...orang akan menjadi lebih open minded ketika liat video aku...ketika aku ketemu orang dan dy bilang dy suka sama video aq, berarti dy pintar..."

Yap that's right! because, open minded people will not just laugh because it's funny but also educating themselves and try to make Indonesia better... not only said "you are wrong, sha!!!" haha

And i just realize...kenapa ya nih orang jiwa ke-Indonesia-an nya lebih keliatan daripada orang Indonesia sendiri...misal, kayak ngritik orang koruptor...itu waow banget.
trus pengemis di jalanan...atau pengamen...

Seandainya para wakil rakyat (mulai dari pengurus RT, RW, kades, lurah, bupati, gubernur, menteri, DPR, MPR, atau presiden) liat video-video sacha, hmmm semoga mereka sadar...ga cuma ketawa doank karena nyadar kalo apa yang divideoin itu nyata adanya...

Hmm...one thing that I'm curious about, she said she is a muslim. dan pernah pake jilbab yang sangat tertutup a.k. cadar. trus sekarang ga pake... ya aq tau sih alasannya karena dy bilang di videonya kalo susah cari kerja kalo pake jilbab dan itu susah banget buat dy untuk chase her dream... tapi scha...kmu masih shalat kan? masih ke masjid kan? masih baca qur'an kan? masih mau pake jilbab lagi?

For sacha, thank you for loving Indonesia and criticizes in your way even not all people like what you do...
Keep going on, keep moving forward...
And I hope someday, you can wear hijab or jilbab again and no one can under estimate you... ^o^
Just be yourself and catch your dream!!

betewe, keren banget kamu roller blade dari Merak sampe Bali shaa... >.<
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

25 November 2013

IMCE 2013 Fund Raising

IMCE or International Muslim Culture Exhibition held by NTUST-IMSA (International Muslim Student Association) every year. This year, IMCE will be held in 16 - 17 December 2013 in T4 Building from 10.00 - 17.00 Taipei times. The theme is Halal Food Journey : New Taste New Experience. NTUST-IMSA open the fund raising for this event. The money will be used for the event and give visitors halal food to try.
if you want to donate, please contact :
Isro Hutama (0978579154) isrohutama@yahoo.com
or if you want to transfer the donation, you can transfer to
Rayi Yanu Tara, First Bank, 166-51-031107

We're looking forward for your help in making this event come true in Taiwan... :)

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

21 November 2013

A New Age of Exploration : National Geographic 125 in Taiwan

Of course...you know about National Geographic, right? the magazine...the channel...the traveler...the animals...etc. Yellow box as an icon..make every person on earth know how it feels when go to one part of the world to another...

At first, National Geographic was as simply as research report by scientist on that era...but soon after that, black and white photograph become popular and National Geographic found that pictures can tell a story... so, then they decided to make photos as their main report. Not stop just at that moment, because at that time, the photos were taken inside. But then, several photographers sent their photos to them and one of them is outside photograph about iceberg in Iceland...that's the story behind why the photos are very colorful...have deep meaning...environmental issues...make people care...and that the same time looks like a scientific report... ^o^

This year, National Geographic turn to 125 years old...and they open exhibition around the world...one of them is in Taiwan. “A New Age of Exploration: National Geographic at 125” is held in Taipei, at Huashan 1914 Creative Park until the end of November. The exhibition includes stunning photos of key moments in the past 125 years, arranged in 8 different themes, including one titled, “Remembering Taiwan”.

There are many things we can learn inside because it's not just the history of Taiwan but also the history of the world from 125 years ago. Also many kind of touching moments captured in many beautiful photos...there is a photo about one boy cry because he lost his 6 sheep die after a taxi driver crash those sheep. After the photos published, the boy is given 7000 USD from the reader of National Geographic. Waow... such an amount... O.o

I also just know that Alexander Graham Bell, the one who invented telephone) is the 2nd president of National Geographic... O.o what an amazing world...hahaha

Ahh...and don't forget to buy some souvenir...many kind of NatGeo things there but in chinese...not english.haha even there are several merchandise we can buy in english version.. :)

Also...don't forget to take a picture in the famous yellow box of National Geographic in the park... ^o^

You can go there by MRT to Zhongziao Xinsheng MRT station....the direction is below. or you can go by bus to Guanghua Electronic Market and walk to there around 500 meters.

Exhibition Dates: September 18 – November 24

Huashan 1914 Creative Park
Address: No. 1, Section 1, Bādé Rd, Zhongzheng District
Phone: (02)6630-8388

Admission Fees: 220 NTD (General), 180 NTD(Seniors & Groups of 30+), Free for Children under 110 cm
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

20 November 2013

Notes for Jeremy Part 4 : Someone I Admire

Jeremy said to us at that time... your chat topic for next week is someone you admire the most...
So, who's that someone for me? She is My MOM. 
Seems it's boring to say the answer is mom...because every one maybe think the same like i do...
But yes..my mom is the best for me!!

She's beautiful...like me. of course. If I say she's ugly, then I'm ugly..haha ^o^
She use hijab since she was in university and have a beautiful smile..her body is small (that's why I small too) but very lively... go there and go somewhere and go back again... waow... maybe that's why I become like that too... too organize in everything...
She is a doctor in our city's hospital and i think it's so tiring... because be a doctor is tiring enough but a doctor with 4 children (2 grown up and 2 still kids) make it very very tiring and exhausting... But, she is very patient when face my daddy, me, my sisters, my brother, and her patients in the hospital...maybe that's why she's a doctor..haha
When she was young, she is a traditional dancer and still have a beautiful body (not like me --")...
I still remember when my family got into trouble and my dad is not in home at that time...she's crying so much but keep work on the problem to be solved...i'm still kids and don't know anything about that... i just cry when i saw my mom cry... >.<
At that time...i realize i wanna be like her...
Patient..kind...lovely..obedient with my dad...beautiful...and smart... ^o^
I Love you Mom... 
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

16 November 2013

Light of My Life...tiada.

Walaupun aku berjumpa dengannya hanya beberapa kali...aku sangat ingat bagaimana Beliau tersenyum dengan ramah,,,memujiku...mencium keningku...bercanda denganku...dan memberikan petuah indah untukku...


Bukan ayah kandung namun sudah kuanggap ayahku sendiri....

Beliau sungguh seorang yang perkasa...bertutur lembut...sayang kepada semua orang...iman nya kuat...dan aku sayang padanya...
Pernah suatu ketika, aku bertemu dengannya...saat itu aku masih duduk di bangku SMA. Aku begitu takut karena beliau terkadang bisa membaca pikiranku. Aku baru saja melakukan sesuatu yang salah sebelum bertemu dengannya.. Tapi ketika bertemu denganku, Beliau berkata..
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

15 November 2013

Right-brained? Left-brained? O.o

Today...I took a simple test about which brained I am? Left or Right?
And i took the test in http://en.sommer-sommer.com/braintest/

Before...i've ever take the test but not in here and the result is... I'm equal but mostly left. But, I don't know why...this test today resulted I am a RIGHT brained... --"

It's a very big gap between two results....hahaha
Because I think I am the LEFT means I always think logical and based on strategy...so that's why I have a daily schedule and have a daily task...I don't like anything uncontrolled...haha

But,.this results...hmmm...they said I am a RIGHT brained...means I have creativity and imagination..also do my things based on my intuition... when I think about it again...yeah it might be true but not always...haha

Whatever the result is...I will say Alhamdulillah...I have a brain. :p
And also means I'm LEFT and RIGHT...
I have logic and creativity in my self...Alhamdulillah... ^o^

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

14 November 2013

BUSWAY Kick!! Menghancurkan Mental Penerobos Jalur Busway

Ini baru namanya orang keren dan mau peduli keadaan sekitar!! ^0^
Malam ini baru saja aku membuka sebuah link yang di share seorang kawan di Facebook dari http://uniqpost.com/99210/daivi-pria-yang-mempopulerkan-busway-kick/
Post itu langsung menimbulkan efek "tertarik" karena judulnya "Daivi, Pria yang Mempopulerkan Busway Kick"... aku pikir pertama lihat dair gambar pertama...aku kira dia mau nendang helm pengendara motor yang lewat jalur busway...ternyata nggak.hahaha

Pak Daivi...seorang pria 62 tahun... beliau berusaha untuk membuat Aksi Busway kick!!
Simpel alasannya...sudah terlalu banyak orang yang melewati jalur buswayentah itu pengendara motor, mobil, atau bahkan polisi yang mengawal mobil mewah Lamborghini ...--"

Beliau menyebarkan brosur kepada para penumpang busway dan menganjurkan kepada masyarakat untuk membantu...

1. Menendangkan kaki ke luar pintu halte busway... jika ada motor atau mobil yang lewat...
Mungkin...supaya helm nya ketendang kali ya trus kapok deh...hahaha

2. Mengacungkan jempol ke bawah.... tanda hal yang Anda lakukan itu SALAH....ini bisa nurunin mental lho...kepikiran kalo yang dilakukan salah. (pengalaman)

3. Memotret pengendara nakal... ini nih yang paling gawat. sekali fotonya kesebar di internet..siap2 sumpah serapah dari seluruh masyarakat Indonesia.hidup ga nyaman broo... hahaha

Salut nih buat si bapak!! Semoga rencana nya berjalan lancar dan mental semua pengendara nakal ambruk semua... hahaha
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

Saatnya Pelajar Indonesia di Taiwan Peduli Filipina

Pelajar Indonesia di Taiwan...saatnya kita semua bergerak untuk membantu saudara saudari kita yang membutuhkan bantuan di Filipina yang baru saja terkena musibah Typhoon dan memakan banyak korban...

Sumbangkan pakaian Anda (summer only karena cuaca disana seperti di Indonesia dan agak tidak mungkin jika menggunakan baju winter)..sepatu yang layak pakai a.k. tidak rusak atau bolong...donasi berupa uang...ataupun barang layak pakai lainnya yang berguna untuk para korban Taifun Super Haiyan di Filipina...

Bantuan bisa dikumpulkan di kampus NTUST Dorm 3 paling lambat hari Sabtu, 16 November 2013 pukul 23.59 waktu Taipei.

Bagi yang ingin menghubungi CP...bisa menghubungi :
Yuddy (0973 524 912)
Adil (0919 429 714)
Peni (0978 491 250)
Rara (0934 149 363)

Donasi berupa uang akan digunakan untk pembelian makanan berupa makanan siap saji a.k. instan seperti indomie, dsb...makan ringan seperti biskuit, dsb.

Donasi akan dikirimkan pada hari Minggu ke Filipina.

Don't wait to contribute and save other people!!
They're looking for our help!!

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

Notes for Jeremy Part 3 : My Favorite Books or Movie

Jeremy...who is he? He is my english teacher in NTUST. Not english in particular. But, special english writing for graduate studies class. He told us in the class to make a "chat" for every week and we need to talk with our friends in the class which is have students from many different countries.
Every week he will give us a different "chat" topic and we need to write it down in our mother language, means for me it will be written in Indonesian.
So, my chat topic for Part 2 is My favorite books or movie....
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

Giant Rubber Duck Taiwan

Another story about my travelling in Taiwan is visiting Giant Rubber Duck...what is it? Do you know about a yellow duck toys which usually played in a bathtub by a little kids? Yes...it's that duck. But, a GIANT yellow rubber duck. How can I say that's a giant? Because the size is not 30 cm or 1 meter...But, it is 26x20x32 meters and weight more than 600 kg. So, it's a giant, isn't it? haha

This duck is designed by Dutch artist...Florentijn Hofman... and have mission to tour around the world and give a message to everyone about "Spreading Joy Aroung The World" since 2007. In this year, this duck is in Taiwan since September 2013 until December 2013. This cute duck was in Kaohsiung in September 2013 and moved to Taoyuan in October, then will be moved to Keelung, Taipei in December until Januari 2014.
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

04 November 2013

Marry Your Daughter

I found a doodle video that make me cry so hard... >.< I remember my dad and my boyfriend at the same time... A song by Brian McKnight....Marry your daughter...

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.