16 April 2015

No Time for Writing? Change The Schedule!!

These days I'm very very busy... it's the truth. In this week, after I went to Indonesia for a week, I have a lot of things to do. School stuff which is class assignments and research, Business things which I have several businesses on going now, and also Household tasks (our landlord wants to change the TV and internet cable and we have to hide all the cooking utensils and remove all pictures in the wall haha)

So, when I started to look at my planner, I realized I miss one thing in this week. Writing articles everyday in my blog. 

It seems like I don't have any more time to write because I can't think of any idea that can be a topic of my writing time. In this point, I have to make a decision between write or not write. If I choose to write, I will continue to do it days ahead. But if I choose not to write, I will delay it more.

Of course I decided to write. But, what are the things that make me "not" want to write? 
  • Lazy
  • No idea for topic
  • Takes time
Therefore, it's time to make a change in my daily scheduling. I have to make a schedule that can change my entire activities in the day. So, I can maximize my life. What I've learnt is that "Someone who think 24 hours is not enough, is someone who loss" That's why I don't want to be someone who loss my entire life.

Sometimes I woke up around 9 AM (it's crazy right?) because I went to sleep around 12 AM. It makes me unproductive during the day. Makes me lazy to do my work done and resulted in undone tasks in the end of the day. Therefore, I want to try to not sleep after shubuh prayer. I've ever tried this and resulted in all my tasks done in 4 hours. Makes me wonder... what did I do all this time? Doing unproductive manner and be a loss one. =.="

Another thing is that scheduling my day. After shubuh prayer, I will write down my tasks for the day in my planner referring to the yesterday's tasks. Therefore, I can see which assignments need to be done first and after it finish, I can move to another task. Priority is the key.

Of course I will put my writing time in my schedule. So, I will not going to skip it. No excuse to skip it. haha Writing time include the time for think about topic and resources I want to use in the article of the day. But sometimes, I don't need this time because ideas come across when I'm in front of my lovely laptop. Just like this article.

Research and assignments for school are number two tasks in the morning after writing. Because it needs more focus and time to do everything. A lot of papers to be read and a lot of time to write my journal paper. That's why this is my first priority in the scheduling plan.

The third task is business tasks. I have several businesses and tried to separate the time based on the priority. Time for this things sometimes in the afternoon until night.

How about household task? I can do that in the middle of my work. Strange? Nope. Because I can do multitasking. Let's go for an example. When I want to read journal paper, I can start to do my laundry first and while waiting for the laundry done, I can read the paper. See? One task doesn't have to be waited until done then go to another task. But we can do it using our multitasking skill.

I hope I can do this schedule changing for this day ahead. I want to be productive again. I don't want to be a lazy woman and not doing my job properly. 

These info-graphics help me a lot in being productive. Hope it can help you too for being productive. ^.^

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.


  1. AKu juga suka liat2 infografisnya Funders and Founders! Informatif banget :D
    Banyak godaan buat begadang, tapi ujung2nya bikin nggak produktif yahhh

    1. Iya mbak Tia... kebanyakan dapetnya infografis nya dari pinterest... banyak yang seru-seru disana... :D
      Iya itu dia... kalau mau produktif emang harus menahan segala godaan. Kalo bisa hape dimatiin aja deh.. haha


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