28 April 2015

Analyzing 2-mode Network using Pajek Part 3

Before in Part 1 and Part 2 of this series of Analyzing 2-mode network using Pajek software I already told you about how to simplified a network and find centrality of a network. Now in this part, I wanna tell you about how to do hierarchical clustering in a network.

Using simple human language, cluster is something that grouping several people that have same characteristics. So, it can be easier to find out something in a large social network.

First, open your simplified network

Second, follow this instruction :
Cluster - Create Complete Cluster
Operations - Network + Cluster - Dissimilarity* - Network based - d5 Correct Euclidian 
Fill the pop-up window with 0
Save the file which is EPS file that contains dendogram of the clustering
Open the dendogram file using Ms. Word.

This dendogram explain how people clustered based on their future dreams.

But you can also see the hierarchi through Pajek with clicking File - Hierarchy - Viet/Edit . Then, a small window of hierarchy will pop-out and you can drop down the root and see there are two clusters there.

To close the tree, you can click Edit - Change Type in the viewing hierarchy window.

To know the result, you have to do the partition first with clicking Hierarchy - Make Partition. Then, you can draw the network with Draw - Network + First Partition

The result is like the picture below. The network clustered into two clusters. Each cluster presents people who has the same future dreams.

Actually, a network with two clusters can be shrunk. Shrinking a network discloses how clusters are linked to each other and how good the clustering result is.

You can do that by click Operations - Network + Partition - Shrink Network

A small window will pop-up and you have to fill the minimum number of lines between clusters and how many clusters that will not be shrunk.

After you click OK, you can draw the Network + First Partition and the result is like this

You can see in the shrink network results that Claire groups have links with other groups. For example Claire wants to be proud parents and that dream also in Niek group's dreams.

Okay... that's for now about the analyzing 2-mode network using Pajek. Hope it can be useful for you and if you have any questions you can comment down below. :)

Thank you for reading this article  ^^

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

Analyzing 2-mode Network using Pajek Part 2

Before in Part 1, I give some introduction about Pajek and how to change 2-mode network into 1-mode network before do the simplified network. So, in this Part, I will show you how to do the centrality.

Centrality is a key concept in social network analysis. It is commonly used to measure the importance or power of a node. The concept is  based on the assumption that the position of a node affects its influence to the other nodes in the networks.

To make it simple, if you have a friend that have more friends than you and her/his position in your network is influential, it might be possible that if he/she do something, other people will people. It's just the example.

There are several centralities, which are:

1. Degree Centrality
which means the one who gather more friends, he/she is more influence.
Example :
There is a prom night and I need help from my friends. Only true friends that will come to help

2. Closeness Centrality
which means the one who has in average closer relationship with all other person is more important.
Example :
If there is a vote for school organization chairman, favoring votes come also from indirect friends.

3. Betweenness Centrality
which means the one who is more able to invite more (through multiple channels).
Example :
If there is a prom, the one who able to invites more hot girls  is more important.

4. Bonacich Centrality and Alpha centrality
which means who your friends are is actually quite important
Example :
If there is a big fight in school between two people. But the one who can escape is the one who has higher relationship with teacher.

In here I only want to show how to measure degree, weighted degree, closeness, and betweenness centrality in network using Pajek.

Open your simplified network like I told you before in the Part 1. 

But if you think it's complicated, you can simplified it again. My network is become like this

Then, do the Centrality with perform this action :
Network - Create Vector - Centrality - Degree - All (degree centrality)
Network - Create Vector - Centrality - Weighted Degree All (weighted degree centrality)
Network - Create Vector - Centrality - Closeness - All (closeness centrality)
Network - Create Vector - Centrality - Betweenness (betwenness centrality)

To draw the network you have to click on Draw - Network + First Vector
You can see in here the results between one centrality and another are different based on what centrality method we want to know.

 Degree Centrality

Weighted Degree Centrality 

Closeness Centrality

Betweenness Centrality

But after see those drawing, how can we know the centrality or the most influence people in the network? You have to export the results using this command Tools - Export to Tab Delimited File - Current Vector - Save File

The saved files are .txt file that you can open using Notepad.

To make it easier, you can move the results to Excel and sort the results for each centrality from highest degree to lowest degree. You can see in the picture below that the results shown people who has high influence in the network are the ones who has yellow color (16 people). But why the result of betweenness centrality is different?

Actually you can connect this result into what each centrality means. Let's break down for each centrality.

1. Degree Centrality and Weighted Degree Centrality
If there's a prom night in school, true friends will come to help. So, in this case 16 people in the yellow color are the people who most likely help their friends in need.

2. Closeness Centrality
If there is a vote for school organization chairman, favoring votes come also from indirect friends. So, in this case if you are one of the candidate, you can ask these 16 people to ask their friends to vote you.

3. Betweenness Centrality
If there is a prom, the one who able to invites more hot girls is more important. But, in this case the degree of all people are 0. I guess no one can invite hot girls/ boys hahaha

But because the case is about students and their dreams in the future, you can connect the result into something in the future. Like for example, they can be marriage partner. For example because Justin Bieber and Norma are most likely have the same preference in their future dreams, they can be marriage partner because they can influence each other.

Hope it can help you and I'm going to continue into Part 3. :)
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

Analyzing 2-mode Network using Pajek Part 1

This semester I got to learn something interesting called Social Network Analysis. At first I thought it's like social network kinda things, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc. But, actually those are social network website and the case for the analysis.

Let me tell you simple thing to think of. You have friends in Facebook right? And your friend have mutual friends with you, and your other friends too. These can build a network, called social network. This network can have many kind benefit, for example who are your friends that have highest influence in your network, so if there's any event you can ask them to tell your friends.

There are two kinds of network, 1-mode and 2-mode network. 1-mode network only have 1 event/actor. For example, your friends network only have your friends' name there. But, 2-mode network has 2 variables, for example your friends' name and their hobbies.

In this article, I will show you how to analyze 2-mode network. This article consists of several parts which are how to dimplify a network, find centrality, and do a clustering.

There are many software for social network analysis, but because I just learn about this software, Pajek, I will use this software instead. Pajek is a free software that you can download here.

First, Open your Pajek and click File - Pajek Project File - Read to read you .paj file
If you don't have .paj file you also can open .net file with clicking File - Network - Read

After you open your file, it will open a Report Window that shows you everything you've done using Pajek. Somekind like a Log windows.

Second, Draw your network with clicking Draw - Network

Your network will be shown in the drawing window. You can change the drawing using several algorithm provided in the Pajek. Just clik on Layout - Energy - Kamada Kawai - Free or Layout Enegery - Fruchterman Reingold - 2D

Another drawing will be like this. Every time you did the the drawing algorithm, it will show different results.

So, because it's a 2-mode network, you have to make it into 1-mode network first before continue to further analysis. Because it will show more comprehensive result from 2 variables (actor and event).

Third, Change the 2-mode to 1-mode network with 
Network - 2 Mode Network - 2 Mode to 1 Mode - Rows (establish event projection)
Network - 2 Mode Network - 2 Mode to 1 Mode - Column (establish actor projection)

The difference between Rows and Column is in the projection. So, for example in here I have a network that the actors are students's name in the class and the events are the dreams. Vice versa.

After the changing into 1-mode network, if I choose the event projection, the drawing will only shown the relation of the students.

But, if I choose the actor projection, the result is only the dreams of the students.

Fourth, Simplify the Network

Let's see the event projection instead because it's more complicated than the actor projection. Because it's too complicated what we want is to make it simpler, but how?

We have to know first the value of each line. The meaning behind it is that one person can have more than 2 dreams, right? but teacher asked students to choose their dreams no more than 4. So, we have network that shown students' choice between 2 until 4 choices. And if we want to make the network simpler, it's up to us the minimum degree of the network.

Okay for example, I want to remove lines that lower than 3. It means, the network only shown students that have 3 and 4 choices of dreams.

To do this, perform this action in the Pajek. Click on the Network - Create New Network - Transform - Remove - Lines with Value - Lower Than

A small window will pop up and insert your threshold value. Mine is 3. So, I type 3 in the box. Then click Ok. There will be another window appear but just click Ok.

When I draw the network, it will be like this. You can see there are several vertices or my friends in the class who have no line or link to another vertices, right? We want to make the network simple, so why not we reduce it?

To reduce the vertices that have no links, you have to perform this action Network - Create New Network - Transform - Reduction - Degree - All

Degree in here is how many links the vertices have. For example, in here the minimum degree I want in my network is 1. Because Sherry and Pietsia have 0 degree, they will be removed from the network.

Input the minimum degree you want, for me I want 1. There will be another window that will pop-up and just click Yes.

When I draw the network, the vertices that have 0 degree is no longer exist in the network.

To see the line number, you can click Options - Lines - Mark Lines - With Values in the drawing window.

Fifth, Save your Network

Finally, don't forget to save your simplified network for further analysis like for clustering because you don't want to perform the same actions from time to time right?

To save your network, you can do click Save button in the Networks section.or click File - Network - Save.

I will go on to the next part of the Pajek tutorial. If you have any question about this part, please comment below. :)

Hope this post help you. ^^

You can see the next part in this link
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

Escape from Chaos

Laziness when problems came is a big mistake. This happened to me since last week when I was desperate on how to solve my problem and my stress. There are too much to think of and it turns out not really well. I've became too lazy to go out, do my homework, study for midterm, do household chores, etc. I just want to be at home and watching movies instead of doing the necessary things.

Without I realized, my homework are piled up. My room was a mess. My research progress was not going anywhere. I didn't study for midterm. Organization's works didn't touched yet.

When I realized those things happened, it's too late. Because the deadline is already in front of my nose. The results, I was trying to keep up with everything. Start to do my works. But, I couldn't do it because many things need to be done and my hands were trembling.

Last Wednesday, I had a appointment with my professor's assistant. So, I prepare the materials that I need before meet her. But, then when I came to school (this day is not the day I came to Taipei usually) after two days back and forth Taipei-Hsinchu, she forgot to meet me. At time, I felt like I wanna collapse due to exhausted.

Last Friday, I had routine lab meeting with several professors and my lab mates. We had to present our research progress about what we already accomplished in the month. So, the day before I made my ppt. I knew it's not really good enough but enough to be a research progress. But, my expectation is too high. My progress was declined.

Yesterday I had my midterm and my friend saw me like "are you ok? please just slow down..." He said something like that because when I started to use a computer in front of to do the midterm, my hands kept trembling and I always mumbling something like "what must i do? how can i do this? is this ok? is that ok? where's the file?" and he knew it's not me. Then, he asked another friend of us which in the same group with us to help me do things. The bad thing is no one knows what to do. Practically, we failed in the midterm which need teamwork.

And this week... I have many deadlines for many things. After I had my midterm and while I was waiting for the bus, I read a paper for tomorrow's class. But, couldn't focus. I couldn't think anything good about anything. My hand trembling. I was sad but couldn't cry. My body was extremely exhausted. I just don't know what to do.

Then... I heard a notification in my tab. My mom sent me a message. Suddenly, I called her and wanted to talk with her.

After listened to me, she said something like this...

"Allah has purpose for everything happened in your life. All we can do just do the best and pray. Make 1 hour between maghrib and isya' prayer to think about Allah. You can recite Qur'an or watch islamic study video in YouTube."

"Exhausted came, but just remember Allah with prayer, insha Allah everything will be okay"

Yes, I absolutely agree. I realized I forgot that Allah is with me. Allah has purpose and all I have to do is pray to him.

So, I closed my eyes and recite surah Al-Ikhlas several times and Istighfar. I made my brain not think about school work, household, problems, etc. I only focus on remembering Allah.

Then, my bus came and I recite Qur'an in the bus.

Slowly... my head became brighter. I can think about what I have to do first, the priority. I can think about some priorities of my works and write it down. I still had my headache but I still can think.

So, when I got home, I started to do my ToDo lists. I work on my homework, my research, study papers, and even my organization's work.

What I learn from this experience is...

When everything start out of control, close your eyes and remember Allah, then pray and recite Al-Qur'an. InshaAllah, you will find ease can start to make priorities of your work. 

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

25 April 2015

#2Days1Book : National Geographic History Edition

I don't know whether National Geographic can be categorized as a book or a magazine, but for sure this History edition make me think that it can be categorized as a book. The thickness (not really thick but thick enough :p ) include many information and knowledge about world history.

I love history. Since...as far as i remember, I always love history. I even ever have a dream to be a historian someday, but vanished when my dad said I have to be in science class, instead of social class (just like many Indonesian parents who think that someone in social class can't be accepted in a good university and the manner will be tarnished).  haha

So, this National Geographic History Edition have several parts, which are arts (paintings), temple discoveries, kingdoms, battle, religion, seven wonders, incidents, and wars.

There are technologies that can found the true meaning behind Leonardo Da Vinci's painting and robots that can go into a tunnel under Teotihuacan temple that later found three chambers full of offerings.

It also give knowledge about Anne Boleyn who was the mother of Queen Elizabeth 1. I just know that her life is very miserable. The second wife of Henry VIII, but couldn't give any son to be the next king. Also she has a power to be hedonist. She was an educated woman and she knew how to get what she wants, including how to become queen, rather than the first wife of Henry VIII. The died of Anne Boleyn? execution.

Aztec, the most famous tribe that can be found, after Maya, maybe? turns out to have some kind of combination between medicine, magic, and prayer to heal someone from sickness. For example, someone who got a disease like bladder, must be injected with some kind of roots to their anus. Bone fracture were treated using ground powder of roots of a plant. The most disgusting is that they use warn urine to heal patients who got chest pains. I've never heard something like that, but that's the way they manage to be healthy because no doctor at that time, right?

The Battle of South Africa also in here. The battle between Zulu tribe and British. I don't really like this stuff, so just move on to the next page. hahaha

The one that I like is about Ramses II. Egypt's pharaoh in 1279 BC. Kinda cool when I know how powerful he is and can make people of Egypt prosperous. He has the longest reign in civilization's history which is 66 years old.

Archaeologist found the interesting dead sea scrolls which mentioned about Jewish, in the caves in desert at Qumran. The discoveries need decades to be learnt by the archaeologist.

Seven wonders, as I think before it's like the nowadays' seven wonders. But it's not. It includes The Lighthouse of Alexandria, The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus in Asia Minor, The Temple of Artemus at Ephesus, The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, The Great Pyramid at Giza, The Collosus of Rodhes, and The Hanging Garden of Babylon. If we compare with nowadays' seven wonders, just think how big those things are. Maybe bigger. And the only remain seven wonders in that list, only The Great Pyramid at Giza. And as we know from Islamic literature that the hanging garden of babylon is destroyed by Allah due to the greed of the king who want to build a skyscraper when there're many poor people in the Babylon.

Pompeii (start to sing haha) is the one that I like. I mean... the history. It's intriguing. The village who is destroyed by the mount of Vesuvius but remain untouched including the people who buried to death. When I learn about the history not only from this book, I realized that it's kinda azab from Allah. Because they live in very unforgiveness sin, which is zina. They performed sex in public and in front of kids. Can you believe that? I can't.

As most people know. Leonardo Da Vinci is famous with his painting. But not people know (including me) that he is a great scientist. He is the first one who make a drawing of human body and put it in his journal. He is also a perfectionist by the way. That's why he even bought a corps and played with it. haha Not only that, he also manage to have revolution in mechanics, solar system, geology and fossils, theory of light, atmospheric refraction, and the circulation of blood.

American civil war also include in this book. Even I don't really like it because it include slavery and some kind like that.

Have you ever imagine about a treasure hunter like in a movie? turns out to be real. The Spanish ships vanished with all golds and other treasure found by Mel Fisher. The ship called the Nuestra Senora de Atocha Galleon. It carries gold chains, silver ingots, astrolabes, etc. The amount of dollar after those things sold? of course billion.

If you like to read history, I recommend you this book and other edition from National Geographic. Because it can give knowledge with simple sentence. hehe
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

19 April 2015

Kehidupan TKI di Taiwan

Hal menarik terjadi belakangan ini terutama berita seputar Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI). Katanya sih... Presiden Jokowi akan memberhentikan pengiriman TKI ke luar negeri pada tahun 2017 dan dimulai pengurangan jumlah pengiriman mulai tahun ini. Ada juga berita tentang TKW Arab Saudi yang dihukum mati, TKW Singapura yang bertengkar karena rebutan pacar orang India, dan bahkan yang terbaru TKI Taiwan yang ribut di konser dangdut. Hmm... banyak sekali berita negatif tentang TKI ini di media.

Baiklah aku akan bercerita seputar pengalamanku berinteraksi dengan para TKI di Taiwan selama 2,5 tahun ini. Aku memang sedang sekolah tapi bukan berarti aku tidak bertemu mereka. Justru kawanku banyak TKI yang bekerja di Taiwan. Apalagi ketika aku masuk ke dalam badan pelaksana Universitas Terbuka Taiwan dan juga sempat ambil bagian jadi panitia pemilu tahun lalu. Otomatis sedikit banyak aku tau bagaimana kehidupan para TKI ini.

Ada tiga jenis TKI yaitu TKI sukses, TKI gagal, dan TKI kaburan. Ini menurut bahasa ku saja yaa... haha TKI sukses adalah yang mengikuti jalur dengan benar dan sukses mengumpulkan uang untuk dibawa ke Indonesia sehingga kehidupan keluarga nya menjadi lebih baik serta tidak neko-neko di negara orang bahkan justru menjadi orang yang lebih baik. TKI gagal adalah TKI yang ikut jalur yang setengah benar dalam artian uangnya dihabiskan selama bekerja di negara orang sehingga saat pulang tidak ada uang yang terkumpul. TKI kaburan adalah TKI yang tidak hanya kabur dari majikannya karena ada juga yang sengaja kabur dengan berbagai alasan.

TKI sukses ini yang kebanyakan aku temui dan beberapa di antaranya menjadi kawan baik. Selama bekerja di negeri orang, mereka tidak pernah lupa tujuannya adalah mencari rejeki supaya kehidupan keluarganya di Indonesia menjadi lebih baik. Sehingga sambil bekerja mereka juga mencari ilmu. Ada yang ikut pengajian setiap hari minggu, ikut Kejar Paket A,B,atau C supaya mendapat ijazah, dan bahkan ada yang merelakan waktunya untuk menjadi mahasiswa Universitas Terbuka Taiwan. Ada juga yang aktif di berbagai organisasi agama ataupun yang lainnya. Beberapa juga ada yang part-time ketika mereka libur atau ikut pelatihan yang diselenggarakan oleh KDEI (Kantor Dagang Ekonomi Indonesia) di Taiwan yang merupakan nama lain dari kedutaan. Gaji yang mereka dapatkan pun sebagian disimpan atau dikirimkan ke keluarganya di Indonesia sehingga ketika pulang, kehidupan keluarganya membaik dan bisa membuka usaha sendiri.

TKI gagal, sering aku mendengar berita macam-macam tentang ini. Jadi, mereka di-hire oleh majikan orang Taiwan melalui jalur yang benar. Tapi, gaji nya mereka hamburkan di negeri tempat dia bekerja untuk membeli barang-barang yang sebenarnya kurang begitu dibutuhkan. Hal ini dikarenakan saat mereka berangkat, ekonomi mereka bisa dikatakan kurang dan ketika mendapatkan gaji yang jika dikurs nominal nya luar biasa besar untuk mereka, gejala OKB (Orang Kaya Baru) pun melanda. Ingin beli ini itu sehingga lupa tujuan sebenarnya dia pergi ke luar negeri untuk apa. Gaya hedonisme pun muncul tidak hanya di shopping tapi juga karaoke, memamerkan barangnya ke teman-temannya, pacaran, dan lain sebagainya. Sehingga, uangnya tidak disimpan dan tidak bisa membuka usaha sendiri di Indonesia. Ini banyak sekali terjadi.

TKI kaburan ini yang sering disorot oleh media dan menjadi problematika dua negara. Ada yang kabur karena dijahatin majikannya (biasanya disorot media Indonesia dengan berbagai foto mengenaskan >.< ) tapi ada juga yang sengaja kabur karena ingin gaji yang lebih tinggi. Ada juga yang status mereka adalah TKI illegal (dimana jumlahnya sama atau lebih banyak daripada TKI legal). Ketika mereka tertangkap, mereka akan dimasukkan ke dalam Detention Center khusus tenaga kerja asing tidak cuma Indonesia saja, ada juga yang dari Vietnam, Filipina, dan lain sebagainya. Ketika mereka ingin dipulangkan ke Indonesia, mereka harus membayar sekitar NT$ 20,000 atau setara dengan Rp 8 juta. Nominal yang tidak sedikit untuk TKI kaburan. Sehingga mereka harus menunggu keluarganya untuk mengirimkan uang atau membantu mereka pulang. Nah, TKI kaburan ini pekerjaan nya macam-macam, ada yang negatif (you know laahh... ) ada juga yang positif (misal bekerja di toko dsb)

Terkait dengan berbagai media Indonesia yang memberitakan tentang kejahatan majikan terhadap TKI yang bekerja di rumah mereka, tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa memang ada yang seperti itu. Bahkan aku pernah mengalami sendiri, ada mbak sebut saja namanya Bunga. Mbak Bunga ini datang ke KDEI saat kami ada acara perhitungan suara pemilu tahun 2014. Dia datang menghampiriku yang sedang duduk-duduk santai sambil makan siang. Mbak Bunga ini tiba-tiba menangis minta ketemu orang KDEI. Dia bercerita bahwa dia tidak tahan karena majikannya jahat. Pernah menyekapnya di ruang yang berisikan puluhan orang gila. Tidak sesuai dengan job-desc yang seharusnya ia lakukan yaitu menjaga seorang nenek yang sedang sakit.

Tapi, ada juga yang ternyata memang TKI nya sendiri yang nakal dan tidak bisa diatur. Kenapa aku bisa berkata seperti ini? karena aku melihat langsung bagaimana kehidupan mereka, terutama saat hari minggu, hari libur mereka. Tapi, ini tidak bisa digeneralisir karena tidak semua TKI seperti ini.

Contohnya adalah ketika hari minggu, para TKI ini akan berkumpul kebanyakan di Taipei Main Station (TMS) bagi yang bekerja di Taipei. Di beberapa titik tertentu, mereka akan berkumpul dengan duduk di lantai dan di tempat yang menghalangi orang untuk lewat bahkan walaupun sudah ada tulisan "Dilarang Duduk" dengan bahasa Indonesia. Bayangkan, dengan bahasa Indonesia, bukan bahasa mandarin lho... Berarti pihak TMS sudah mengerti betul bahwa harus ada tulisan itu di berbagai tempat dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Tidak hanya itu, tulisan "Harap Antri" pun ditempel di mini market sekelas 7-11 atau Family Mart.

Kebiasaan berbicara lantang dan keras ternyata tidak bisa ditinggalkan begitu saja. Karena masih sering aku mendengar mereka saling berteriak sehingga membuat orang Taiwan risih. Ini disebabkan perbedaan culture. Orang Taiwan itu cenderung menghargai privacy orang lain. Sehingga ketika di tempat umum, mereka akan cenderung bersuara lirih (bahkan di MRT mereka akan diam) dan tidak mengganggu sekitarnya.

Menjadi rahasia umum bagi orang Taiwan (aku mendapatkan cerita ini dari teman lab) bahwa saat hari Minggu lebih baik tidak ke TMS. haha

Ada seorang teman ku orang Taiwan yang mengantarku ke kantor imigrasi. Dia bercerita bahwa dia bisa membedakan mana orang Indonesia yang sekolah dan bekerja dengan cara melihat dari gaya berpakaiannya. Yang bersekolah adalah yang menggunakan pakaian rapi dan cenderung tertutup. Jikalau pun menggunakan pakaian yang terbuka, dandanannya tidak menor. Cenderung humble dan terlihat rapi ala mahasiswa. Tapi yang bekerja adalah yang menggunakan pakaian terbuka yaitu rok mini / hot pants, tank tops, sepatu hak tinggi, dandanan menor, dan warna pakaiannya mencolok dan tidak match. Aku hanya bisa tertawa karena itu kenyataan walaupun tidak semua seperti itu.

Menjadi lebih tidak terkendali ketika ada konser dangdut. Karena pertikaian antar kelompok sudah pasti terjadi. Entah karena rebutan pacar ataupun hal lainnya. Biasanya sih banyak berita tentang rebutan pacar. -____-"

Pertengkaran ini bisa sampai ke ranah hukum atau bahkan dideportasi atau mungkin dipenjara karena membuat orang lain cedera. Pernah juga ada kejadian ada yang sampai meninggal.

Memang tidak bisa digeneralisir semua hal ini. Karena kawan ku yang TKI dan sangat baik pun ada. Tapi yang tidak baik mungkin lebih banyak daripada yang baik. Sayangnya, media Indonesia cenderung melebih-lebihkan pemberitaan seolah TKI Indonesia itu lemah dan tak berdaya sehingga disiksa terus. Padahal kenyataannya, tidak semua seperti itu. Ada juga TKI nakal yang harusnya tidak diijinkan masuk ke suatu negara karena tidak memiliki skill yang cukup ataupun dari sisi mental kurang mumpuni. Sehingga menyebabkan berbagai masalah di negara tujuannya.

Masalah lain adalah karena kebanyakan TKI ini kurang berpendidikan, mereka cenderung ditipu oleh agen dan pegawai bandara. Aku pernah mendengar cerita dari suami ku yang pernah bekerja part-time di KDEI, banyak sekali kasus TKI ini ditipu oleh agennya sendiri. Misal mereka haris membayar 50juta untuk dibernagkatkan, jika tidak bisa akan ditalangi dulu oleh agen tapi uang gajinya selama berapa bulan akan diambil agen dan jumlahnya jika ditotal lebih banyak daripada hutangnya. Terlebih jika di bandara, ada mafia bandara yang meminta uang kepada TKI ini. Aku pernah mengalami sendiri bagaimana rasisnya pihak bandara kepada para TKI. Karena aku dan kawanku yang saat itu pulang liburan pernah hampir disuruh masuk ke tempat PJTKI dan bahkan koper kawanku diperiksa sambil dipelototin. Sampai akhirnya aku bilang "Pak, saya mahasiswa!" baru deh si bapak bilang "Oh iya maaf ya mbak...maaf..." sambil tersenyum manis, berbeda dengan beberapa menit sebelumnya.

Mungkin inilah yang menjadi pemikiran pemerintah untuk memberhentikan pengiriman TKI ke luar negeri. Tidak hanya untuk mengurangi angka penyiksaan TKI oleh majikan, tapi juga supaya tenaga kerja Indonesia yang di luar negeri memiliki skill yang cukup dan tidak menimbulkan kekacauan di negara orang. Dengan skill yang cukup, gajinya pun akan jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan jika menjadi nanny, pembantu, buruh pabrik, ataupun pelaut. Pola pikirnya pun akan berbeda. Bukan pola pikir mencari gaji tinggi saja tapi juga untuk mencari hidup yang lebih baik serta mencari pengalaman sehingga ketika pulang ke Indonesia bisa membuka usaha baru yang bisa membuka lapangan pekerjaan baru untuk orang-orang di tempat asalnya. Mereka juga akan bisa bersuara jika bos nya atau majikannya melakukan tindak kejahatan sehingga bisa langsung ditangani oleh pihak berwajib. Mafia bandara pun juga tidak akan punya gawean lagi sehingga bisa ditangkap KPK.

Tapi di sisi lain, para TKI ini juga bingung. Terutama bagi TKI yang sukses. Karena jika diberhentikan, mereka harus kembali ke tanah air. Sedangkan bagi yang tidak memiliki ijazah, akan sulit bagi mereka untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan. Pemikiran untuk membuka usaha pun tidak semua orang mau dan mampu.

Semoga pemerintah bisa mendapatkan solusi dari permasalahan ini semua. Sehingga menguntungkan segala pihak. Tidak hanya menguntungkan TKI dan Indonesia tapi juga negara tujuan itu sendiri.

Menjadi mahasiswa di negara lain harusnya juga berkontribusi dengan membantu para TKI ini dengan berbagai hal positif seperti mengadakan seminar ataupun pelatihan. Terutama yang berkaitan dengan menjaga akhlaknya, menyimpan uangnya dan menjadi enterpreneur. Sehingga apa yang dia kerjakan selama di luar negeri tidak akan sia-sia.
Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

17 April 2015

Namanya juga PhD, Kalau Nggak Susah Nggak Worthed

Kalimat itu diungkapkan suami saat aku mengeluh begitu susahnya memikirkan research model dan menulis journal paper. Memang tidak bisa dipungkiri, aku sedang mengalami masa "galau" sekolah karena berbagai macam hal. Mulai dari prof yang aneh dan suka ninggal entah kemana, simpelnya sih nggak diperhatiin dan janjinya nggak pernah ditepatin. Sampai dengan kondisi dimana journal paper yang harusnya submit bulan Desember tahun lalu molor hingga sekarang.

Menyalahkan prof tidak bisa jadi solusi karena salahku juga tidak menekan dia terus-terusan untuk mengecek paper ku dan meminta untuk bertemu. Bahkan pernah suatu ketika aku down hingga menangis sampai suami ku menyarankan untuk pindah kampus. hahaha

Tapi semua itu hilang ketika aku ingat ibu ku berkata pasca aku kembali ke Taiwan sekitar seminggu yang lalu. Beliau berkata bahwa "Anak ibu adalah pekerja keras. Lakukan yang terbaik semoga Allah memberikan berkah dari apa yang kita kerjakan"

Disitulah aku sadar bahwa aku adalah orang yang kuat dan pekerja keras. Aku tidak akan keluar dari segala masalah edukasi ku begitu saja. Aku harus mampu melakukan ini semua dengan baik sehingga membuat bangga suami, ortu, dan saudara ku.

Maka aku mulai mengerjakan segala sesuatu yang bisa aku kerjakan dengan maksimal.

Tapi yang namanya lelah dan bingung akan selalu kembali sehingga membuatku mengeluh saat suami di kantor...

"Mas, susah ya.. aku bingung mau mikir model aja susah. Dari tadi mikir nggak bisa-bisa."

dan suami ku hanya menjawab...

"Haha Namanya juga PhD. Kalau nggak susah ya nggak worthed."

Bener juga apa yang mas bilang. Kalau aku S2 mungkin tidak akan sesusah ini. S3 itu belajar mandiri. Menemukan teori sendiri yang belum pernah ada di dunia. Wajar donk sulit. Kalau hasilnya eluar, pasti ngerasa lebih worthed kuliah S3 dibandingkan hasilnya riset S2 dulu kan?

That's why I have to do the best as I can do!

Jika merasa susah dan stres, why not sit down for a moment...playing games...watch movies... or even go shopping outside...?

Dan satu hal yang paling penting ketika merasa "ditinggalkan" ... Allah tidak pernah meninggalkan hamba-Nya. Shalat dan mengaji menjadi 2 hal paling penting dan mendasar sebelum melakukan rutinitias, bukan?

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

16 April 2015

No Time for Writing? Change The Schedule!!

These days I'm very very busy... it's the truth. In this week, after I went to Indonesia for a week, I have a lot of things to do. School stuff which is class assignments and research, Business things which I have several businesses on going now, and also Household tasks (our landlord wants to change the TV and internet cable and we have to hide all the cooking utensils and remove all pictures in the wall haha)

So, when I started to look at my planner, I realized I miss one thing in this week. Writing articles everyday in my blog. 

It seems like I don't have any more time to write because I can't think of any idea that can be a topic of my writing time. In this point, I have to make a decision between write or not write. If I choose to write, I will continue to do it days ahead. But if I choose not to write, I will delay it more.

Of course I decided to write. But, what are the things that make me "not" want to write? 
  • Lazy
  • No idea for topic
  • Takes time
Therefore, it's time to make a change in my daily scheduling. I have to make a schedule that can change my entire activities in the day. So, I can maximize my life. What I've learnt is that "Someone who think 24 hours is not enough, is someone who loss" That's why I don't want to be someone who loss my entire life.

Sometimes I woke up around 9 AM (it's crazy right?) because I went to sleep around 12 AM. It makes me unproductive during the day. Makes me lazy to do my work done and resulted in undone tasks in the end of the day. Therefore, I want to try to not sleep after shubuh prayer. I've ever tried this and resulted in all my tasks done in 4 hours. Makes me wonder... what did I do all this time? Doing unproductive manner and be a loss one. =.="

Another thing is that scheduling my day. After shubuh prayer, I will write down my tasks for the day in my planner referring to the yesterday's tasks. Therefore, I can see which assignments need to be done first and after it finish, I can move to another task. Priority is the key.

Of course I will put my writing time in my schedule. So, I will not going to skip it. No excuse to skip it. haha Writing time include the time for think about topic and resources I want to use in the article of the day. But sometimes, I don't need this time because ideas come across when I'm in front of my lovely laptop. Just like this article.

Research and assignments for school are number two tasks in the morning after writing. Because it needs more focus and time to do everything. A lot of papers to be read and a lot of time to write my journal paper. That's why this is my first priority in the scheduling plan.

The third task is business tasks. I have several businesses and tried to separate the time based on the priority. Time for this things sometimes in the afternoon until night.

How about household task? I can do that in the middle of my work. Strange? Nope. Because I can do multitasking. Let's go for an example. When I want to read journal paper, I can start to do my laundry first and while waiting for the laundry done, I can read the paper. See? One task doesn't have to be waited until done then go to another task. But we can do it using our multitasking skill.

I hope I can do this schedule changing for this day ahead. I want to be productive again. I don't want to be a lazy woman and not doing my job properly. 

These info-graphics help me a lot in being productive. Hope it can help you too for being productive. ^.^

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.