Basically, you will need to make a study plan...
Some of my friends already ask me to give them my previous study plan when I applied to NTUST last year...
For me, to make a good study plan... you need to know yourself first.. Who are you? What do you wanna be? What grade you wanna achieve? What are your research interests?
After that... you choose a professor from that university who has same or nearly same with your research interests... then, what will you do in that university if you accepted?
After you know all of the answer... you can write your own study plan...
You can be a little bit narcissistic if you want...but, don't you ever lie... that will become a boomerang for you...
Here is my study plan for NTUST when professors came to ITS last year...this is just an example... don't copy all of that. because me and you have different things and thinking right? hehehe
Indonesia is a developing country
which has many potential in its people in the field of information and
technology. Many graduate students from Indonesia have many talents in many
programming language, such as Java, C#, C++, Phyton, and etc. And they work,
almost all of them, as a programmer or moreover work not in their field of
study when in college. The people just have an ability to make software in
programmer perspectives. Almost all of them do not have an ability to manage
the software project well, besides the most important thing in a software
development is a managerial of the project.
Software engineering is a field
of study which learns about how the process of software development really is,
what the main responsibility of a project manager is, do testing process to
software, auditing Software Company, and etc. Software engineering is a part of
study that can make software development produce good software. Indonesian
people who interested in this field of study are just a little. And besides that,
just a little bit from that little group of people, who can manage software
I am Intan Dzikria. Graduate
student of Informatics Department Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya,
Indonesia. I am trying to help reducing the bad software. Teaching to them who
interested in information and technology and also have courage of become a
manager, about not just become a programmer when graduated from college, but
also become a software engineer. Then, the quality of the software will be
better than before.
To realize this, I need more
education higher and more useful after I graduated from Informatics Department
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia. I realize I have interested
in a software engineering. So, in my bachelor degree, I took software
engineering as my field of study. Some class I followed and connected with my
field of study were software engineering, analysis and system planning,
software evolution, software project management, and software verification and
From all those topics, I have
more interest in analysis and system planning and software project management.
Both of them learn how to make a good system in a specific way and also how to
manage a software development. I like to introduce myself as a person who has
courage in a project management. During my bachelor degree, I’d like to be a
project manager. So, I knew how to develop software well. But, I need more than
that. I want to know how a project manager should be done.
Something that I want to do and I
want to make is useful for my country. So, I want to share everything with a
professor who knows more in this field of study than me. And I know that
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) have many lecturers
to teach and help me improve and do my research.
National Taiwan University of
Science and Technology (NTUST) is a college which has so much education in technology
management. Graduate Institute of Technology Management in NTUST is the best
place for me to gain more education and do research about software engineering.
The lecturers there have done many researches towards software engineering. Especially
professor Shih-Chen, Huang who have researches and courses in Software Quality
Assessment, Software Engineering, and Web Design.
I interested to do some research
in software project development management. This topic comes with several
things on it. They are Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), progress
evaluation, document requirements for the project, software marketing, software
testing, and also software quality assurance.
I believe in two years, I can
graduate as a master from NTUST and finish my research topic well. Because this
topic is in my area of interest and I will do the best as I can do to finish
this well. Of course I need some time to prepare for the research, then after
that I can go through my research. Because of that, I have a scheduled plan for
my master degree in NTUST for two years.
For the first year in National Taiwan University of Science and
Technology (NTUST), I will learn about professor’s research that has topics in
software engineering. I will ask the professor anything I do not know about the
topic, and also do some individual research to gain many information as many as
I can get. For the second year in my research study, I will do my research full
time. I will do the best to finish my research on time and gain a value; I hope
something new will be appearing when I do my research. And of course, that will make NTUST proud.
So, that's my study plan... how about you?
I hope you can make a better study plan than mine...because this is my first time wrote a study plan...and I think no really good too..haha ^.^
salam kenal intan..
ReplyDeletenama saya eva.
saya ada keingian juga untuk mencoba beasiswa ke taiwan, tapi saya mengalami kendala untuk mendapatkan LOA (Letter of Acceptance).
boleh sharing gak gimana pengalaman kamu untuk mendapatkan beasiswa itu dari awal smpai akhir
(apa2 aja yang harus diurus, dll)
kamu bs hubungi saya via email eva.marpaoeng@gmail.com.
mohon bantuannya..
anyway, thank before ya...a
Salam kenal juga eva...
DeleteSaya sudah pernah share pengalaman saya...mungkin bisa refer ke http://intandzikria.blogspot.tw/2012/07/5th-dream-diterima-s2-luar-negeri.html
Silahkan tanya kalo misal kurang jelas..
Terima kasih.
Good luck yaa.. ^.^
Hai mbk intan,
ReplyDeletembk, about study plan yg di buat ke NTUST itu more than 300 words, is it okey ?
soalnya baru buka web nya ternyata disana ada pernyataan" study plan (around 300 words) by using the printed cover page to the department you plan to apply of NTUST."
thanks mbk ,
HI juga Dedy,
Deletesebenernya aku dulu bikin study plan ga nurutin itu...karena aku ga tau. dan itu adalah syarat ketika apply k NTUST tanpa ada LoA dari profesor.
Sedangkan aku sudah ada LoA dari profesor, jadi aman.hehe
Dear Intan,,
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih untuk tulisan yang so inspiring dan juga mengerjai saya *hehe bercanda, karena saya harus memformat ulang study plan yang masih amburadul, hehe.
Intan, saya ingin sedikit menanyakan bagaimana kita bisa memperoleh informasi tentang Professor yang penelitiannya cocok dengan penelitian yang kita bahas di Study Plan, Dan, apakah semua scholarship itu mengharuskan adanya LoA intan ?.
Saya lumayan rempong karena deadline berkas yang harus dikirim minggu ini. Beruntung sekali bisa menemukan blog ini. ditunggu balasan, by email juga boleh di badaibadai87@gmail.com
Dear Ferose,
DeleteHehe maaf saya ga maksud buat ngerjain loh... :p
Kalau ingin dapat informasi tentang profesor yang penelitiannya cocok biasanya sih ada di website kampus yang ingin dituju. Ada nama profesor dan research interest profesor tersebut.
Ga semua scholarship harus ada LoA yang didapat sebelum kirim berkas. Ini hanya untuk beberpa universitas yang mengirimkan profesornya langsung ke Indonesia. Tapi loA itu memang dibutuhkan ketika kita diterima di universitas tertentu. Biasanya akan dkirim ke alamat rumah kita ketika pengumuman nya keluar. Nah LoA itu nantinya bisa bantu kita untuk proses pembuatan Visa yang lumayan ribet di Indonesia.
Wah saya senang sekali bisa bantu kamu. Semangat ya.. :)
huwahahaha... nyari2 contoh study plan, eh nyasarnya ke blogmu tan... thx anyway... :D
ReplyDeleteLeh...mas tom tom...haha guna ga maa info nya?
DeleteU're welcome.. :)
wah... mbak intan... makasih banyak ya informasinya,..
ReplyDeletembak... apa saya bisa add fb nya mbak intan?
Sama2.... :)
DeleteSemoga post ini membantu ya... ^.^
Boleh.silahkan. :)