Today's post is all about pouches that I use for travelling and what's inside those pouches. As a Muslim, we have to keep all our things clean. Because Allah love everything clean. Not only our body but also our stuff. That's why since last year I started to organize my stuff for travelling, so they will not going to be dirty or mixed up with everything in my bag.
Now... I will show you what kind of pouch I have for different things when I travel. :)
First... the most important one... don't forget to bring your Al-Qur'an.
My friend gave me this Al-Qur'an several years ago and I love this Al-Qur'an so much. Because it has translation (Indonesian translation) and also Tajwid. So, I'm just recite but also study the meaning and tajwid. Therefore, I can improve my understanding of Islam.
Second... the second the most important thing is... Mukenah (I don't know the english of this) or pray clothes for Muslimah and Pray Mat.
I have this small pouch that was given by my mom a year ago. She got this from her friend who went to Taiwan. It is funny that she gave to me who live in Taiwan, now. hahaha
But I like this puch so much because it fits perfectly with my mukena. The material of my mukena is paracute. So, it can be folded until very very small. And it is also cheap if you buy this mukenah in Indonesia. In Taiwan... ohh so expensive. Because the store need to order from Indonesia first. -__-"
Third... of course you will bring your electronic devices, right?
The brand is Andy May. I think this brand also come with other smaller pouches and many bright colors. But, I prefer to this 10 x 18 cm pouch that can carry all of my electronic devices, especially because the color.. i love purple and pink so much. ^_^
I have my 1TB hard drive (thankfully this time the drive is smaller than before, because my boyfriend have the bigger one.haha), my USB in the small pockets with my microSD adapter, and of course my ear-phone. Maybe you will wonder, where is my power bank? okay... it is broken.. :( I have plan to buy one and put it inside this pouch, in my ear-phone place. Because Andy May also have small pouch only for ear phone and it's cute. haha
This pouch also have a hard material. So, if you unintentionally (or intentionally) drop your pouch, your devices are not going to be broken.
Fourth... never forget your important travel documents !
I suggest you to have small travel documents that can keep those things from broken, wet, or any unexpected things. Many bookstore sell travel pouch, but most of them only for passport and itinerary. So, I choose this pouch.
This pouch can hold my passport (with Chinese cat passport cover. Thanks for my boyfriend who gave me one. :") ) and my token for internet banking. Also with my itinerary, contact information, travel location maps, etc. Ohh... don't forget to put a pen there because if you travel to other countries, sometimes you have to fill some form for immigration.
Fifth, I have this cute travel shoes bag. ^__^ I love Unicite so much. This brand come up with travel bags in many sizes and different purposes.
In the front of the pouch, there is also a big pocket that keep my socks and leggings. So, it is easier for me to find it rather than put my socks in my suit case. :) Also... it is clean ^__^
Six... how about toiletries? you use small pocket or pouch? hmm... i think you will change your mind after see this pouch.
Now, our stuff will be clean and organized when we go travel. ^__^
How about clothes, bigger electronic devices, books, and other things? I will show the pouches in different post because I'm still working on it. :)
Hope this post helpful for you.
I will published my free organizing life planner in the next two months also with several tips for Back To School and Travel Ideas every two days... ^__^
Jazakullahu Khairan.
wah jleb tenan non :O pertanyaannya, beli dmana bbrp pouch itu? :O
ReplyDeletepouch yang mana yang kamu maksud non? aslinya sih beli dimana-mana bisa...cuma ini kan aq beli di taiwan... di toko kuning... :)) tapi kalo di indonesia harusnya ada sih... kapan hari aku sempet lihat di matahari yang lokasinya koper2... :)
DeleteHi mbak salam kenal :)
ReplyDeleteBoleh tau nggak, pouchnya bisa dibeli dimana aja? terutama yang waterproof untuk Quran itu.. thanks :)
Hi Diaz salam kenal juga... :D
DeleteKebetulan karena saya tinggalnya di Taiwan, pouches nya saya beli disini. Tapi sebenernya ada alternativ lain kalau mau beli di Indonesia.
Untuk yang Al-Qur'an itu bahannya mirip sama pouch yang dijual di Strawberry atau Naughty atau toko aksesoris cewek di mall-mall Indonesia. Jadi mungkin bisa cari yang lebih kecil dan dari plastik, plus zipper nya kuat jadi air susah masuk.
Untuk pouch yang lain mungkin bisa coba cari online di website kayak yahoo mall, e-bay, atau amazon. Setau saya banyak di sana. Cuma kekurangannya yaa harus nunggu agak lama karena pesannya di luar negeri.
Semoga membantu. :)